
Unhappy at work today. Not sure if it's coz of stress, tiredness or what.. Something happened that made me unhappy as well. All added up and I cried while Edmund gor was explaining the new way of processing Futures to me. Maybe the unhappiness and tiredness made me unable to concentrate on what he was explaining. I felt more stressed and at that point in time, I really felt stupid. Felt that I couldn't do anything and that I was dumb. The minute the tears rolled down my cheeks, Edmund gor had a shock. Sighz.. I didn't expect that to happen either. And I don't wish for it to happen ever again.

Emailed a few people to look out for vacancies for me. Even edited my resume right in front of Edmund gor. I know it's irrational and not a good thing to do but, at that moment, I simply couldn't care less. Now that it's all over, I know I shouldn't have done that. Will learn to keep my emotions and temperament in control.

It's been a very bad day for me. Really bad. Glad that the day is over. Thankful for JZ. He didn't do much. But talking to him over the phone always makes me laugh. He even left me a voicemail, actually 2 days in a row he has left me voicemails. 10 seconds of message made me laugh non-stop. Dunno what to do without him. I'd have gone mad I think.

I think I will sleep early tonite. Else, I'll go crazy again tomorrow. Nitez to the world!


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