multi-level marketing..

multi-level marketing (mlm) aka pyramid selling has never been something that i approve of or agree with. the people up there just takes your money without having to do a single shit and that's so unfair. i've just found out that nu skin is a mlm kind of company and much as i thought of buying their products, i no longer wanna do that now. neither will i be doing sales part time there. but i've wasted $240 on the stuff that i bought. i'll make full use of them and finish them up but no more money will be spent on any of their products. how to break it to my friend and not spoil our friendship is something that i have to seriously ponder about.

yesterday was a pretty boring sunday as per usual. woke up early to visit grandma. she's healthy and good. glad about that. but she fell down sometime during the week and hit her head. that hurts coz i don't like to see her injuring herself. luckily she's alright. went home after that, watched a bit of tape and went to sleep. my nap was from 1pm to about 4.30pm. haha. did the laundry, bathed and juz stoned around the house. watched moulin rouge on tv from 7pm to 9.30pm.1st time i watched the whole show. tom came over at about 8+ and we had dinner together in front of the tv. haha.

today is a monday.. the most dreaded day of the whole week for me coz of stupid weekly meetings that waste my time. n now that we've got a new audit manager, i think meetings will be even longer n more draggy than ever. this is going to kill me. sighz.. stupid meetings.. if only i can get myself out of it.. that will be good.. sighz..


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