In Memory of Benjamin Ching
Yesterday evening, while on the way home from the supermarket after work to cook dinner, I checked Facebook and saw a post.. A friend I've known for 5 years - Benjamin - has left this world on Sunday 15 July 2012. Up til now, I have no idea how he passed away - some say it was a car accident, some suspect it's illness. I really dunno and I don't think I wanna probe. All I wanna do is write a small eulogy for him. Ben - 22 June 1980 to 15 July 2012 I knew Ben through clubbing in 2007, the days where I was pubbing or clubbing almost everyday after my break up in a 3 year relationship. Ben was also clubbing at Dragonfly and somehow (I can't really remember how), Ben and I got to know each other. I remember the only reason why we exchanged numbers and all was coz he was a genuine guy. He could turn out to be a friend rather than an acquaintance. And so, everytime either of us went clubbing at Dragonfly, we would sms each other. In the end, I went with him and his grou