DVD Watching Weekend

16/09/09 My 1 year anniversary with Eeyore. Woke up to a nice card and a Dior watch as pressie. Took half day leave to go for my medical checkup. But prior to leaving office, I received the below which made the whole office went "wow! what's the occasion?". *blush* He accompanied me for my checkup. Then we went for a walk to Sim Lim Square where I finally bought a new digicam to replace the spoilt one. :p Went for dessert, then movie "Time Traveller's Wife" which I wanted to watch. Then dinner at the place where we went for our 1st date. ^.^ A simple day and nite but enough to make me touched and happy! :) 24/09/09 The 4th day that Ting and Kat are in Singapore from Sydney. Went to Helipad for drinks. It's been a long long time since I drank much. Had 7 shots and a housepour. :p Reached home at 2am plus where I simply conked out. 25/09/09 Eeyore went to Bali with the girls. I'm all alone in Singapore for the weekend. Met Zavien gor after years.. Ever...