
Showing posts from 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

31 Dec 2006: Here I am.. Stuck in my office on my birthday with the system being down!! God.. Playing tricks on me aye? Slept at 4.30am this morning and had to drag my butt off my ever so comfortable bed at 8.30am just to rush to office to finish my work and yet.. Sighz.. But amazingly, I'm not that tired so it's still alright. Got my forever needed good friend beside me every morning - COFFEE!! Haha. Yeah.. I'm such an addict that I get headaches at times when I'm too tired. :p It's been a great week for me. Met up with Eugene on Wednesday for dinner after we lost touch and haven't met up since we graduated from college which was 6 years ago. Chatted and caught up on our lives after such a long time. :) System's up.. Gotta work.. Continue later. 02 Jan 2007: Finally back to blogging. Went for dinner with Ow after work on Thursday night (28 Dec) which was ok. Haven't really eaten with him before. He's not the gentlemanly type but I didn't tell hi

Merry Christmas 2006!

December is my favourite month coz (1) it's Tom's bday, (2) it's Xmas, (3) it's our anniversary and most importantly (4) it's MY BDAY! Haha. I know some people do not like their bdays but I like mine. I don't usually organise dinners or bday party celebrations coz honestly, I'm too lazy to do it. :p But somehow, once it's nearing the date of my bday, I start getting excited about it like a small girl. :) This year, I'll be in the office alone on the actual day of my bday coz stupid private banking side forced somebody from my team to be back for year end adjustments and that chosen person is me. Sighz.. No choice coz I'm the only one who knows how to do everything in my team, both record management stuff and reconciliation stuff. So, on my bday, I'll be back in office at 9am til the time I can finish my work. How sad.. Haha. Been meeting up with friends recently. The most surprising one being Winston, my brother from JC. It's been years s


Been busy with work the whole week as both Carol & Joyce were on leave. Worst part was that I was down with flu.. AGAIN! Sucks.. Ever since I changed my seat in office, I've been coming down with flu every 2 months or so. So shitty. :( Anyway, I'm recovering now so it's ok. I was really touched on Wednesday night when my flu was at the worst stage. Why? Coz Ting and Agnes actually bought dinner for me at 8pm, accompanied me to eat and waited for me to finish my work when they could have gone home already. And I worked til 10pm that night which means that they did nothing in the office for 2 whole hours! It's enough to make me feel really really touched. Agnes even gave me 2 massages that day coz I was so tired and so sick. Thanks dear! Will never forget that night. Honestly, I'm blessed to have to such a good bunch of colleagues and friends. If I were to ever leave this company, I wonder if I can still find such caring people as colleagues. Though we may be crap

Back from Phuket

Just landed in Singapore approximately 2 hours ago. This trip was truly relaxing and enjoyable! Didn't do much except to suntan in the mornings and afternoons, and to go for night swimming in the pool at night. What's best was that although I didn't manage to get to stay in the hotel I originally wanted, I managed to get a very great room at Seaview Patong. Our room was right in front of the swimming pool! All we had to do was open the balcony doors and we were at the pool. It was cool! And the bathtub was amazing! Pics will be up shortly when I have the time to upload them. Everyday was just the sun, the sand and the sea. Perfect and true bliss! Never felt so relaxed in ages and I totally dreaded coming back to Singapore. Wish I can stay there forever! And what's fantastic was that the sea water was so clean! It's the first time I can ever go swimming in the sea and yet, my rash didn't outbreak given the super sensitive skin that I have. It was that wonderful!

The Rich & The Poor

The time that I spent in Bangkok, I learnt that there is a very vast difference between the rich and the poor. Every time I'm there, I see beggars on the streets. Not that there's anything wrong, but there are kids sleeping at roadsides and lots of crippled people begging for food. The worst is, I nearly kicked a guy who was slumped on the middle of the pavement. He was lying there begging and he did not have his right leg. That image is so unforgettable that I don't think I can ever forget that incident. It got me thinking.. Why is it that some people are so rich there and yet others are so pitiful? I mean, I know nobody likes to be known as pitiful but somehow, I can't help feeling that way. Sighz.. Isn't there anyway or anything that people can do to help? Doesn't feel good.. Saw an old man today.. Think he suffered from stroke and he was having problems walking. It really makes me sad to see people suffering like that. I guess some people will think that he&

Back from Bangkok

I'm back from my trip to Bangkok. This trip was more relaxing than the last time I went, probably coz when I went last year, it was my first time there hence we explored more places. Stayed at Asia Hotel this time. It's 5 mins walk to MBK and Siam area, where all the shopping can be done. As always, I bought the most stuff on the first day so that I can relax for the next few days. Hehe. Went to Suan Lom night market for dinner that nite. We even had time to head back to the hotel room to put our things down and rest a while before heading for the night market. There was a ferris wheel there and I went on it. Think it's the first time I took the ferris wheel and the sight was really nice. Enjoyed myself! Woke up at 9.30am (Singapore time) for breakfast. Went back to the room for a short nap after that before bathing and heading to Pratunam market. Shopped til evening time and headed back to hotel to put down our purchases, rest and took a cab to Khao San where it was the ba

Changi Airport

At Changi Airport right now using the free internet while Felix is in the toilet with a tummyache. As always, I must leave my last words before I fly off and leave the country. Will be heading to Bangkok for a 4 days 3 nights trip this time. Don't think I'll be travelling around the place as much as I did the other time when I went with Ali, Lao Da, Anne and Stef. Think I miss the whole clan of people. But 1 thing that I'm glad about is that I'm FINALLY taking a break from work. The last time I took leave was in June and since then, I've been slogging my ass off at work. Been working til 9pm every nite when I start work at 8.30am. Even worked til 12 midnight just to clear off my work to go on this trip. Haha. Time I start enjoying and relaxing myself.. I need a good break from work. Hope everything goes well in office and that I managed to clear my stuff as much as I can. I can't remember if I've forgotten to do anything but I sure hope I did not. :p To my d


D&D's finally over!! No more rehearsals til 11.30pm and sleeping at 1+ am. No more nerve wrecking moments where I panic and forget my steps. No more hearing"Shake more.. More feelings". D&D performance on Moulin Rouge can be considered a success in a way. I did well for my solo I think. I was praised by almost everyone. I did way better than I had in all rehearsals coz it was the REAL thing and I know I had to do well. I was always half-hearted at rehearsals coz I don't see the point in shaking so much during practice else nobody will get a surprise. I'm only glad that I managed to pull it off. P/s: On stage performing, I danced the way I normally do when I'm clubbing.. Imagine how much I shook my bon-bon that night. Haha. Did not get to eat at all during the dinner. Went for dinner at Katong and clubbing with most of the performers at Butter Factory at Mhd Sultan. It was fun! Haven't been clubbing for almost half a year now (or is it longer than t

Better Life

Life's getting better recently. Haven't been working as late but I've got to stay back for D&D rehearsals. It's tiring stuff.. Sighz.. You can see that I'm free at work now as I'm typing this in the office. Actually, it's coz I'm really so bored and in a holiday mode. Haha. Have even decided to go for tea break with Lynn later. :p Attended both Stephen and Justin's weddings last weekend. It was a nice gathering for many of us and I enjoyed myself. Made me feel envious and wanna get married too but after thinking about it, I don't think I'm ready. Haha. Such irony. Guess my mindset is not ready yet. I still wanna concentrate on work and focus on my career. Had a gathering at KK's house on Saturday. His place is huge!! But I think lao da's house is bigger. KK's house has got a badminton court at his backyard and a KTV room with the latest songs and the exact system that karaoke lounges use. Cool!! Overall, I had fun except that


Been working overtime for the past 2 months now.. Wonder how long more it's gonna take for things to get back to normal at work. I'm ok with working late but I think it will be better if the new staff have got better work ethics. Had a huge issue in office today. Sigh.. Shall not dwell further else I'll never get the event out from my system and I'll be bearing grudges against them. Must learn to forgive and forget. My company has 2 D&Ds every year. Last year, the theme for the D&D at this time was J-pop / K-pop and I won the Best Dressed Award. This year, the theme is romance. Wonder if I'll be able to win an award again this year. Even if I don't, it's ok coz I'm taking part in the skit performance and we'll be doing Moulin Rouge and I'm the lead actress. Hahahaha. This is crazy! :"P Edmund gor is the lead actor coz he's the closest to me being my god-bro. Hahaha. More insane! Anyway, all I wanna do and hope for is to have fun

Chris's Baby

Chris has finally given birth!! We've totally followed her through with this pregnancy and finally, my younger god-sis is born!! Ain't she cute?? I can't stop thinking of her and I just wanna hold her in my arms forever! Babies are cute!! I've uploaded more pics in my photoalbum. You can view them at the link on the left of this blog or follow this link:


Been some time since I last blogged. Every day passes by so quickly that all I do is go to work and back home. I've been working 14 hours per day for the past 1 week, but like what everybody in office has been telling me - with leadership comes great responsibilities. I'm not complaining coz I'm getting used to working late now. At least I know it's a chance for me to prove my abilities. Was upset with myself on Thurs though when I did an important report wrongly. First time I was doing it so I guess it's understandable but it's a careless mistake so.. I'll be more careful next time. Ok, enough about work. I'm heading for Bintan today and will be back tomorrow. Haha. A 1 night stay there. First time I'm going overseas with my colleagues. Hope there's no argument or disputes on the trip and that I have fun. Was hesitant about this trip at first coz I wanted to save up for a year-end trip (if I'm gonna have 1). Bank account has been depleting r

Bowling Event

Had our company's bowling event today for the 4 depts. I had loads of fun!! First, we had dinner at East Coast Hawaiian BBQ. The food was quite good and we had some red wine and beer. I had 2 glasses and was far from being high but yet, people started saying that I was high which was total crap. I mean, I know my limit and 2 glasses ain't even getting anywhere. Was really pissed off when I heard that but nobody wanted to admit saying that. All I can say is that it's bullshit. I never knew that the VP of another dept was actually really entertaining. He told us jokes about his experience, his own country and stuff like that. He really made the atmosphere at my table a lot more relaxed and fun with his stories. He's really someone with no arrogance and can click with peers and subordinates. This is the kind of people and bosses whom I truly respect. Someone who knows his work and is able to communicate well with no airs. And this doesn't apply to everybody. Anyway, I

Mr Fighting

Been busy at work for the past 2 weeks. This week is also included. Very very tired.. My boss has started interviewing people for my position. Finally I can be rid of doing the very admin stuff. YEAH!! Haha. Ya, feeling happy and excited but also wondering when I can start learning more so that I can replace my supervisor to be team leader. I know I'm not up to standard yet but I'll work hard. I really will. Been telling myself that everyday. 1 day my dreams will come true.. Mum's death anniversary came and went. I won't deny the fact that I miss her loads. Teared a bit the night of her anniversary. 16 long years without her.. Sighz.. Wonder if she can see me now. Wonder if she knows how her daughter is and how hard her daughter is trying to prove herself to the family so as not to disappoint her. Wonder if she knows that her daughter has not let her down, that her daughter has graduated from university according to her wish and is working somewhere that she can be prou

Stubborn Me

Today's not a very good day at work. Colleagues are unhelpful and they simply ignore me when I ask them questions or they just treat me as transparent. I know.. I've always been taken for granted at work. They come to me when they need my help but after that, who am I to them? Sighz.. Another sad part of my life. But I know I'll be strong and I'll do what I can at work. If that's the way they want to be, I don't think I can change them so I'll just have to do things on my own. :) I know I'll succeed in time to come. Today's Jason's birthday. Wished him a happy bday via sms at midnight. He said that I'm the only person who has wished him a happy bday all these years. That's 9 whole years! Haha. I wonder how I do that at times. It bewilders me too. I can never seem to forget his bday nor his house number. That's why I still call him to wish him Happy Bday. I mean, if I remember the date, then why not just do it? :p Called the other comp

Turn of Events

Been wanting to blog but haven't had the time. Shall make this a quick update. By a turn of events, my boss is no longer transferring to the other dept. Yes, I'm happy about it. But JA wants to leave coz he's been offered a job at another company. I think there's more to come since we all applied at the same time. I'll be going for the interview on Thurs and somehow, I feel torn in between. Made up my mind over the weekend that I'll not leave my current company for a better future. If I get my transfer, I'll be learning something useful if I intend to stay in this industry. By going to the other company, I won't be learning much coz it's more or less the same as what I'm currently doing. I know, I'm fickle.. But to advance further in future, the wiser choice will be to stay on and fight it out. Pay wise, what I'm getting now is definitely below market and cannot be compared to outside but who knows what might happen 2 years down the road.


It's not the first time I know that I'm not favoured by my supervisor at work but it happened again today. In my dept, 3 of us (including myself) are having problems solving some issues relating to work but yet, my supervisor helped the other 2 and not me. She helped L the most and my issue has been outstanding since May. My attitude now is "Whatever". She can help whoever she wants and I'll just let my issue sit there til it's escalated to management level. I can't be bothered anymore. Heck care everything at work. Life's unfair, as always. Anyway, enough about the shit at work that I'm suffering from. Dy's coming back from London in the 4th week of August. Can't wait for him to be back coz then, we can chat via email more easily than now coz now, we only get to chat 4 hours daily. Yeah.. I'm that bored that everyday, I'm looking for people to chat with me via email. Sighz.. I'm wasting my time here without getting to learn. I

Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest

Just finished watching the movie with Tom and I loved it!! Have always loved the show ever since I watched The Black Pearl. Kiera Knightly is pretty, Johnny Depp is funny and most importantly, Orlando Bloom is handsome! Haha. But I still prefer this guy!! He's so drool-worthy, especially in this pic! :) Makes my knees go weak. Hehe. I think I screwed up on my phone interview with the other company. Somehow, I don't feel a thing. Everybody asked me how I knew I screwed up.. For several reasons but I'm too lazy to say more. Anyway, I have a bet with Meng on a round of drinks and with Dylan on chocolates that I won't get into the company. They say I will. Haha. Let's see who wins!! :p Just had a fight with my dad on the phone. No more mood to blog. Til the next time..

Crisis at Work

It's been a tiring week ever since last Wednesday, 12 July. I've never been more confused and unsure of my future than now. My boss announced that she will be transferring dept and it's bad news to all of us coz she's been 1 of the nicest boss. Sighz.. Ever since her announcement, I've been wondering what I should do. I've requested to transfer depts to doing treasury operations but my dept head has told me to wait til end of this year. Honestly, I'm not sure if I wanna wait coz who knows what might happen by the end of the year. No matter how much they can promise me now, there's no certainty in things. Furthermore, there's another company having openings now and I feel that it's quite a reputable place to be in. The only problem is that I dunno what the culture is like over there and I'll be doing the same things again, which means that I won't get to learn more stuff and be exposed to more. But that company sends staff to London for tr


This post should be published at 4.35 am but it couldn't be published.. Am suffering from insomnia tonite and have decided to finally put my thought of writing into action. Have been intending to update but somehow didn't. Haha. Maybe I'm just lazy.. Not a bad thing that I'm suffering from insomnia tonite anyway. At least I can catch Portugal vs France "Live" in action. Hope Portugal can win France coz France won my Spain.. Causing me a huge upset. Oh God, penalty given to France right now and Zidane scored. Sighz.... Tom will be happy but not me for sure. Everybody at work has told me that I looked really upset and angry the day that Spain lost (I watched the whole match). It was the 1st match that I watched without dozing off and when the last 2 goals were scored, my heart broke and I felt like crying. Sighz.. Heard from Carissa that the big boss on 7th floor of my office building was so happy that he bought ice cream for all his stuff. Of coz he would be ha


Finally finished the preparation work for the lasagna that I'm making for dinner tonite. Yes, u're reading it correctly. I made dinner and it's not instant noodles nor is it spaghetti! Haha. It's the first time that I'm making something other than those 2 and I really hope that it turns out well. All I can do now is to wait for my boy to come home from work and we can tuck in to the very 1st dinner that I prepared, all by myself! Of coz, what would I do without the help of friends like my buddy, Joy and Meng who gave me instructions on what to buy and how to do it. Haha. Thanx all! Met up with KK, Marina and Jus for lunch just now. Just the 4 of us.. Chatting, gossiping, complaining. Haha. Too bad they only have a 1-hr lunch period. Otherwise, it'll definitely be more fun. They brought me to a place called Ah Meng's Cafe at Cuppage (And yes, it reminded me of u, Meng! Haha). The food is not bad. Depending on what you order, the range is about $5-$10 and you

A Day On Leave

Feeling really tired and sleepy right now as I slept for only 2 hrs last nite coz I couldn't fall asleep again after watching the 2 matches. Sighz.. I know I look like a panda. Still deciding if I should give the match between Switzerland and Ukraine a miss as I'm really tired and I wanna reserve my energy to watch Spain vs France tomorrow nite. I need as much rest as I can today. Had lunch with my ex-colleagues from DBS and it was nice meeting up with everybody. Basically, I was chatting more with Mels and Jessie but I expected as much. After all, I'm closer to them. Bought some swiss rolls for the rest of the colleagues when I went to visit them in the office. It's been such a long time since I last went back and I must say that I miss the working environment there. Sighz.. Time flies. It's been 1.5 years since I left that place. Everybody's still so sweet to me. . Honestly, I'm really thankful that I've been blessed with wonderful, fantastic colleague

2.5 Years

Today is my 2.5 years and 1 day together with Tom. Wanted to finish using my movie vouchers but there were no good shows currently so we decided to stay at home and simply relax. Spent some quality time chatting and talking about stuff regarding our future. Also spent some time cuddling each other, something that we haven't done since our Genting trip as everyday and every weekend is spent rushing to places. Felt good to finally get to cuddle my boy. Happy 2.5 years' anniversary my dear! Went to Joy's housewarming on Fri after work. Our whole dept went. For once, everybody was at the same place at the same time besides being in the office. I know it was awkward for Nat and Chris to be at the same place and Nat probably felt left out coz she basically didn't start any conversations or participate much in any of ours. But she did smile while we cracked jokes at one another's expense and teased one another. She left early though. All in all, I think the rest of us did

So True..

KK forwarded me this sometime back but I only read my mails today and I find it so true. It's exactly what I'm feeling right now. I copied and pasted here without changing a word. Read it.. Capricorn Employee Profile (december 22 - january 20) A Capricorn employee with too much to do is a happy worker. They need plenty of projects and responsibility. There is no sadder sight than a Capricorn worker without a sense of responsibility. They need to be needed. They are covertly ambitious - usually not flashy or obvious about it-but you will usually know that they are serious and determined about advancing themselves. They are completely scrupulous, so much so that they can be self-disparaging. But they are no pushovers. They can wear down even the toughest customers. Their persistence is incredible. Once they set their sights on a goal, they work away at it until the bitter end-whether the goal be that hard sell or the new hardware release. Capricorns don't work for free, howev

World Cup

Watching Brazil vs Australia on my laptop right now and typing this entry. Have to keep changing screens so I gotta make this fast. I normally try to sleep before 11.30pm if I have to work the next day so it's kinda amazing that I'm still awake at this time. Firstly, it's World Cup that I'm watching and I don't mind sacrificing some sleep over it though I'm already looking like a panda these days with my dark eye rings. Secondly, I think I'm starting to lose the fire and passion for my work. The more I think about work and that I've not been caring enough coz of work, the more I lose interest in my work. Am I asking for too much? I know I just got my bonus and my conversion to be a permanent staff in February. To ask for a promotion and a pay raise right now seems too soon but I seriously lack encouragement and compliments for the hard work that I put in. I mean, when Ting and Chris works late, boss will tell them to claim dinner allowance or cab allowan


Should I say I heard something about myself today? Wonder how I should describe it but anyway, I found out that I'm not as caring as I thought I am. Maybe I'm just a bad friend. Haven't been contacting many friends in recent times and I haven't expressed as much concern as I should. Heard that it's the way I express myself. It's probably true. Been preoccupied with work so much that I even dreamt of work on Sunday night and again on Monday or Tuesday night (Can't remember the exact day). Am I stressed? Probably.. As I said, I've been contemplating if I should leave the bank. Our CCO dropped by today and I've always looked up to her coz to me, she's a very clever and talented woman. I know I can't compare myself with her but I always wish that I'm half as good and I'll be happy. Everytime I finish listening to her talks, I feel inspired and proud of my company. But after a while, the feeling simply goes away and I'm demoralised aga


Been wanting to update my blog since I came back from Genting but have been so lazy. Quite a lot has happened after the trip.. Mostly unhappy stuff but there are also the happy moments. Anyway, Genting trip photos can be viewed here . I'll be putting my Fullerton stay pics in this similar website as well (provided I have the time). Haha. Had 2 major arguments with Tom after we came back from Genting. The 1st one is definitely my fault and I've admitted it. Promise that I will not do such things again. The 2nd one has been a long outstanding issue and I don't wanna dwell on it anymore. Let's just hope that things will be better in future. Attended Bernicia's pageant on 10 June with some of the girls from my dept. It was fun though the organisers were biased and it got me a bit pissed off. It wasn't a fair competition and it sucks. But overall, we still had fun cheering for the 'lil gal and it was nice to see her so happy! She won the Crown Princess title and


My brain is mentally exhausted right now but I'm not complaining. How can I complain when I was the one who wanted to wake up at 2.45am to watch the finals of Champions League with Barcelona vs Arsenal? Haha. I don't regret it at all coz Barcelona came back from 1-0 down to win the game!! Overall, I gotta say that the match was really intense thro'out. With Lehman being sent off after 18 mins, the match took a crucial turning point. After Sol Campbell scored for Arsenal at the 37th min, I couldn't help feeling worried and anxious that my heart was pumping so fast! I was hoping and praying that Barca could do what Liverpool did last year at the finals - to score 3 goals in 6 mins. I wasn't greedy.. I only wanted Barca to score at least 2 goals to win the game. And they really did!!! 2 goals in 5 mins!!! They are that great and really made me a happy gal the whole of today! Haha. Tired but happy. Was rather disappointed with Henry and Ronaldinho's performance thou

Joni Mitchell "Both Sides Now"

Another 2 more weekends and I'll be heading to Genting with Tom and his friends. I can't wait coz after all, it's the 1st time we're leaving on a trip together though it's with his friends as well. At least, I get to spend some time out of Singapore with him after 2 years plus together. :) Feeling excited already! Lyrics to a song that I really like by Joni Mitchell. It's in the soundtrack from "Love Actually". I listen to this song so much that my soundtrack is actually spoiling. Sighz.. Gotta replace a copy of the CD and buy more Joni Mitchell's CDs. Need to go to HMV coz I can't seem to find her CDs in the other music stores. Rows and floes of angel hair And ice cream castles in the air And feather canyons ev’rywhere I’ve looked at clouds that way But now they only block the sun They rain and snow on ev’ryone So many things I would have done But clouds got in my way I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now From up and down, and still someho

Not in the mood..

What causes a person to lose his/her mood suddenly? I really wish to know what happened to myself. i lost all mood today.. Out of the blue. Sighz.. The rest wanted to go to Devils Bar as it's HS's farewell today, but I.. I just didn't want to be there. Didn't want to club, didn't want to do anything. Left after 20 minutes and wasted $12. Talked to D today.. She said that I sounded different, different from the usual cheerful me that she used to know. Have I really changed or am I just stressed out by work?? I really don't know. I don't seem to know anything about myself any longer. It's like, I don't even know myself anymore. Sighz.. What the hell is wrong with me? Or is it that I lack sleep? Could it be due to the 'creature' that's staying in my room, disrupting my sleep? Yes, there's some weird thing in my room since Monday night. It chirps when I switch on my lights. I'm not sure if it's a bird, a cricket or a lizard. It

My Favourite Question

"If you were to die today, would you have any regrets?" I asked. "I think I do.. Lots of things that I've done in the past are not things that I'm totally proud of or happy about. Given a chance, I'll like to change what I used to do and how I behaved. What about yourself?" "Me.. I don't have any regrets. I've always believed in following your heart and to live life to the fullest. Learnt that when my mum died when I was 8. From then on, all that I want is to lead a simple and happy life, doing what I want and what I like everyday so that when it's time for me to go, I can go happily and look back on my life with no regrets." "How do you manage to do that?" "I guess it's simple for me. I don't reflect on my life everyday but every now and then, I will. And every decision I make, I ensure that it's what I really want for myself. Just like in the past, when I had very strict curfews til I was almost 21, I kn


I think in some ways, I'm a sinple girl who's easily satisfied with life. Headed to town just now to buy some heels and present for Min. Tom was thirsty so we decided to grab drinks. As we were at Borders, I naturally went to look for my buddy. There he was, hidden by the counter. Luckily I decided to bend down as I saw someone there, else, I wouldn't have been in the cafe. Thanx to my buddy for making me my favourite dish and a drink that I really wanted to try. We had Monster Mushrooms and IMM Slam. It made me a truly satisfied gal and definitely a happy one at that. Haha. :) And as always, he refuses to let me pay! Had a debate and in the end, I only paid $7 after saying that if he doesn't let me pay, I won't ever eat there again. Haha. After which, Tom and I headed to Far East to shop for my heels as the pair that I usually wear to work is spoiling. I managed to buy 3 pairs for the price of 2 and I like what I bought!! Am a happy and truly SATISFIED gal today!!


I've been rather stressed with work recently.. To the extent that I had bad Monday blues 2 days ago. Last week started to get hectic as 1 colleague was on training and I had a number of things to rush for my boss before she went for her course in Shanghai yesterday. Furthermore, I had to learn another colleague's portfolio as my supervisor doesn't want to cover her work when we are shorthanded. So, the job landed on my laps.. With a very sarcastic comment, "Maggie can learn your portfolio.. She's very smart one mahz." So, I took 2 days off my own work to learn from my colleague how to handle her work. In the end, I was left with Fri last week and Mon this week to finish my urgent stuff that needed my boss's signature before she left. What's worse was that there were some screw ups for my own portfolio and I made the same mistake 3 times in 2 days! Was really upset with myself coz it's not the first time I made this mistake. Sighz.. Think the stress

2 years ago..

Went to do fringe rebonding today as my fringe was getting too wavy and disgusting. As always, I went back to my normal haorstylist, Kef. He asked me if I was still in contact with my ex-bf, Stu. Kinda surprised me that he would ask this question. Brought back some memories.. Many people were envious of me when I first started dating Stu. Who wouldn't be? It was almost like a fairytale story. I was the temp staff at his office and he was the director of the company. It was a partnership that he had set up with a couple of friends. Anyway, the way we started was like a fairytale in itself.. He is 8 years older than I am, and yet we started dating. As most people know, I'm not the kind of girl who needs her bf to be around 24/7. I believe in personal time and space, and that we all should have the freedom to go out with friends even when we are in a relationship. With Stu, I had more than that coz he was always too busy to go out with me. Our dating ground, almost everytime we me

Ice Age 2

It's been a stressful week for me as I had to do my currency all on my own and can only ask for help from Tom when I need it. My supervisor wants me to handle it by myself so my afternoons now are only to handle this. Furthermore, I'm in the Staff Events Committee and we had a movie screening of Ice Age 2 yesterday (08/04). It was tiring as my leader was on reservist and Cheryl was on medical leave the whole week. My other 2 partners helped on several stuff and I was running the show. Luckily, everything went smoothly and I hoped all of them enjoyed themselves. What really made me upset was that my dad called at my busiest moment and was yakking away though I told him I was busy. The handphone reception at the area was lousy and kept breaking up. I ended up screaming at my dad in front of my boss.. Not my female boss but the one even higher ranked than her!! Sighz.. It's such a disgrace and I felt so embarrassed!! And here he is.. Yakking away now. Can't stand him!!!!!


This week has been a pretty ok one for me coz I got to meet up with some friends and had fun. I finally dragged my ass out of the house and office for once for some exercise. I went jogging with Tom on Wednesday after goodness knows how long. Yes, I'm really bad at it right now. I was panting after 1 round which was about 750m.. Started feeling so dead but forced myself to do another round so that I won't let myself down. After the 2 rounds, I was so tired that I totally refused to do stretching. Haha. I know.. I'm lousy but I'll definitely train up to be as good as I was in the past. Thought of taking part in the JP Morgan Chase Challenge on April 26, representing my company but I'm sure I won't be able to make it by then. So hopefully by the time Standard Chartered marathon is back, I'll be ready. Haha. Such high hopes for myself. I must be crazy. :p Thursday (23/03), I had lunch with TC together with Ting, Chris, Agnes n Carissa. He's been having lunc

Memorable Experience

2 weeks ago, I heard the news that another good friend in office was resigning. TC.. He's 1 of the older guys in office and I'm really close to him. We used to sit next to each other while we were still located on the 7th floor and he taught me so much! He always cheered me up and entertained me when I was angry and pissed off with work. There was a time when we were both approached to leave and join another company together but after serious considerations, the 2 of us decided to stay on here and we even made a pact that we will be working together for another year. Sighz.. But I guess he's really upset with work and I can understand why. I'm sad that he's leaving the company but he's found a job that pays much better than here.. So, I'm happy for him too. Just hope that everything works out for him at his new job and if it's really good, he's gotta bring me along! Haha. Went to Double O to celebrate Felix's bday after work on Friday nite (17/03

Don't feel good..

Somehow I don't feel too good.. I was telling Jeremy before I left office to read the minutes of meeting coz I took 2 hours to finish typing it and I think I said it too loudly.. My boss seemed to have heard it coz she sent me an email 3 minutes later, saying "Very good. Thanks". Seeing that email should make me happy but it also made me wonder if she overheard me. I mean, I didn't say that for her to thank me. I only wanted my department people to read the thing that I always spend so much time typing. Sighz.. Am I thinking too much?? I wonder... Anyway, work has been heavy these days. Quite a number of deadlines to meet by next week. I worked til 10pm last nite coz I didn't understand what my boss was saying earlier. She explained really hard to me and got a little fed up that I couldn't understand. She said that she will search for the thing herself. I felt a bit bad coz I wasn't able to help so I decided to try my luck to search for the stuff and hope

Hong Kong

Feeling lazy so I'll only write in point form what I did for my trip. Hehe. Lazy me.. 14 Feb 8.30am to 3pm - Work 4pm - Reached home and sent emails to my dear and a few other colleagues reminding them of what to do before I leave for the airport. 5pm - My uncle picked me up and I realised I forgot to bring my jacket after waiting for him for 10 mins. 5.20pm - Reached Changi Airport Terminal 2. Checked in and started shopping at duty-free. 7pm - Start of my journey!! Boarded the plane. It's been a decade since I last took a Singapore Airlines flight! Everything's different now!! Watched "Elizabeth Town" from the in-flight movies selection and played some games, waiting for the plane to reach. 10.30pm - Arrival at Hong Kong International Airport! Took a van to Ann's friend's (Helen) place. We were to stay at her mum's place as her mum was in Shanghai. The place is near Lam Tin though I've forgotten the actual name of the place. It's sorta like a

5 mins..

I'll be leaving for the airport in 5 mins and I decided to write a short post before I go. My supervisor's got promoted which means she 's not leaving the company. Sad news.. No choice. There's nothing I can do. Told my boss how I felt coz she asked me about my feelings. Told her everything.. My unhappiness and the rest of the colleagues' feelings. Not sure if it's the right thing to do but I felt that we shouldn't be suffering in silence anymore. My boss is a nice person and I know she thinks well of me. In order for me to continue on a good note, I had to do it. :p Anyway, I got to log off soon. I'm gonna miss my baby lots! To be leaving on Valentine's Day, honestly, it's kinda saddening.. Baby, pls take care of urself while I'm away. I'll be thinking of u and missing u lots for the next 5 days. Do ur best at work and enjoy urself with ur friends k? Wanna say "I love u" on this special day. I'll be back soon.. :) *HUGS*