A Day On Leave

Feeling really tired and sleepy right now as I slept for only 2 hrs last nite coz I couldn't fall asleep again after watching the 2 matches. Sighz.. I know I look like a panda. Still deciding if I should give the match between Switzerland and Ukraine a miss as I'm really tired and I wanna reserve my energy to watch Spain vs France tomorrow nite. I need as much rest as I can today.

Had lunch with my ex-colleagues from DBS and it was nice meeting up with everybody. Basically, I was chatting more with Mels and Jessie but I expected as much. After all, I'm closer to them. Bought some swiss rolls for the rest of the colleagues when I went to visit them in the office. It's been such a long time since I last went back and I must say that I miss the working environment there. Sighz.. Time flies. It's been 1.5 years since I left that place. Everybody's still so sweet to me. .

Honestly, I'm really thankful that I've been blessed with wonderful, fantastic colleagues ever since I stepped into the working world. Really grateful to everyone I've met along the way for the great friendships and advices that a girl can ever ask for.

Had tea break with Meng who was very spontaneous in agreeing to meet up. Chose to meet at the place where buddy works coz the last time I met up with buddy was about 2 or 3 months ago. It's called killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Haha. Buddy gave me a very good seat, away from the crowd. Appreciate his gesture. Thanx buddy! He even gave me a whole bowl of whipped cream to eat and gave me a cake. Was so full after eating everything! And as always, he refused to let me pay til I nagged at him. Naughty boy!

Meng and I went shopping after the meal. We talked about a lot of stuff and it was nice to know that I can confide in him. Thanx bro! Shopping with Meng was really fun coz he was a great help in deciding if the clothes were nice and fitted me well. Haha. He complimented me saying that it was the first time he had ever seen a girl try on clothes and none of the clothes made her look ugly and that everything seem to fit so well. Never been complimented like that before and it does make my day. ;p

Met Janis and Ben for dinner after that. Haven't seen Janis for almost a year or 2 now. Great to finally catch up together, the 3 of us, just like before. Think the person who's changed the most is Ben, in terms of looks and build. Other than that, I feel that the 3 of us are still pretty much the same as we were when we knew one another in the year 2000. In a way, it was a familiar and yet cosy feeling. :)

Think I'll head to bed without even finishing the match between Italy and Australia. Don't think I can stand the lethargy for much longer. Gonna meet KK and Marina for lunch tomorrow afternoon, followed by some grocery shopping and my 1st try at making lasagna. Hope it works!

Oh ya, I saw Stephen and HS today! Haha. So coincidental. I even saw Cyn and she asked if I was willing to be her "sister" during her wedding. Of coz I agreed. How can I refuse and turn my good friend down? More weddings this year to attend! It's a good thing I went shopping just now. But it's not a good thing on my wallet coz I really spent a lot today and shopping continues tomorrow. Hahaha. K.. Time for bed. Nitez all!


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