
This week has been a pretty ok one for me coz I got to meet up with some friends and had fun.

I finally dragged my ass out of the house and office for once for some exercise. I went jogging with Tom on Wednesday after goodness knows how long. Yes, I'm really bad at it right now. I was panting after 1 round which was about 750m.. Started feeling so dead but forced myself to do another round so that I won't let myself down. After the 2 rounds, I was so tired that I totally refused to do stretching. Haha. I know.. I'm lousy but I'll definitely train up to be as good as I was in the past. Thought of taking part in the JP Morgan Chase Challenge on April 26, representing my company but I'm sure I won't be able to make it by then. So hopefully by the time Standard Chartered marathon is back, I'll be ready. Haha. Such high hopes for myself. I must be crazy. :p

Thursday (23/03), I had lunch with TC together with Ting, Chris, Agnes n Carissa. He's been having lunch and dinner appts with people he has known for the past 10 years that he's been in the company. Feels kinda sad that he's leaving.. Especially as the day draws closer. We had a great lunch, chatting n joking. But honestly, I'm wondering if I'll cry the day he leaves. Sighz.. After all, we've been really close for the whole year and I still remember we used to say this when Marina left, "Now it's only left the 2 of us". I'll never forget those days. :(

Anyway, I met up with Meng for dinner on Thursday night. The title for today's blog is actually dedicated to him coz he gave me a daisy when we met up. Thanx Meng! Appreciate the thought and the actions. :) Hehe. He really managed to cheer me up coz I left office in a fury but I don't want to say the reason why. He made me laugh the whole nite through so much so that he asked me if I ever laughed or smiled as much when I meet other guys. Haha. I really had fun catching up with him and just chilling out. Meng, we should do this more often. :p

Josh came up meet me on Friday for lunch as well as to settle my insurance stuff for me. Talked about former classmates and he updated me on the lives of quite a number of people. Nice to know of their news coz the whole group of us haven't really met up for some time. Hope to be able to meet up soon but it's always so difficult to get the whole group together as everybody is so busy and has their own lives. Sighz..

Had dinner with Joy, Chris, Ting, Agnes n Carissa on Friday nite. It was a nice girls' nite out though it was only dinner. We talked about things happening in office and stuff like that. Had dinner at Plaza Park Royal and the food was not bad but I couldn't eat much. Not sure why. Quite a waste coz it's a buffet so we paid a lot but didn't eat too much.

Went to Double O after dinner to celebrate Goldwin's bday. KK and I managed to catch up on stuff and it felt great talking to my best guy friend again. He took care of me that nite though he was slightly high that nite. Everybody was drinking like mad.. We had so many tequila shots and tequila pops. Marina, Justin n KK were high but the worst was Dylan (KK and Marina's colleague). Met Dylan a few times when we go clubbing and knew that he can't hold his liquer well but that nite was really bad. I felt guilty coz he was already high but yet claims that he was ok so I made him drink half a mug of Graveyard. The next moment was a blur as he simply stood there and vomitted. Sighz.. Felt guilty for bullying the poor guy. Mustn't be so naughty next time. ^_^

Promised my buddy to go MoS with him that nite but most of the people I was with at Double O left around 1+ and my buddy wasn't ready to go yet, I decided to head home as I was already feeling sleepy. Hadn't been getting enough rest and it was hectic at work that day. Sorry buddy!! Will go with u next time k? :)

Went to my sis's place to return her tapes slightly earlier just now and while in the car, Tom said that his dad only had 1 and a half years to finish the house loan. All the time, I have never intended to stay with my in-laws after marriage. To me, I've only had my freedom at the age of 22 onwards and I still wanna enjoy my youth and freedom. I know that I'm a workaholic when it comes to work but I also do enjoy playing hard. That makes me have the tendency to stay out late, be it due to work or play. I don't want to have this revoked in any way. Sighz..

I mean, I know it's nice to have someone take care of you while you are sick or in any other ways.. But honestly, I'm not sure I'm the kind of girl who can stay with in-laws or have elders staying with me. I respect them but I can't stand nagging of any form. I hate it when my dad does it to me so I'm not sure I can take it from other people. I don't mind staying near my in-laws in future and having dinner at their place every nite but not staying together. Maybe I'm still young.. Or maybe I'm just stubborn and unreasonable.

It's still too early for all these anyway. It's gonna be another couple of years before we will even talk about marriage.. So.. Let's see how things turn out by then. :p


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