Bowling Event

Had our company's bowling event today for the 4 depts. I had loads of fun!! First, we had dinner at East Coast Hawaiian BBQ. The food was quite good and we had some red wine and beer. I had 2 glasses and was far from being high but yet, people started saying that I was high which was total crap. I mean, I know my limit and 2 glasses ain't even getting anywhere. Was really pissed off when I heard that but nobody wanted to admit saying that. All I can say is that it's bullshit.

I never knew that the VP of another dept was actually really entertaining. He told us jokes about his experience, his own country and stuff like that. He really made the atmosphere at my table a lot more relaxed and fun with his stories. He's really someone with no arrogance and can click with peers and subordinates. This is the kind of people and bosses whom I truly respect. Someone who knows his work and is able to communicate well with no airs. And this doesn't apply to everybody.

Anyway, I had fun at bowling. I won 2nd best female bowler of the night with a high score of only 101. Haha. Yeah.. The lanes were sucky but it was the crowd that made the whole night fun. It was really a time where I let my hair down and just relax and have fun in front of my biggest boss and my boss herself. It's something I've never done before. I mean, like D used to tell me, I was always somewhat nervous when I talk to my boss or anyone who is more superior in ranking than I am. But somehow, today, I decided that I should treat them as humans after all, that I can treat them as I would treat normal friends. And I did. I'm glad I did that though coz I was able to enjoy myself. And that is of the utmost importance.

So, being 2nd best female bowler, I've won for myself vouchers worth $150. Haha. It's the start of my collection again coz last year from this time to Chinese New Year, I had won/collected a total of $800 worth of vouchers and I used them all to buy my handphone. Haha. Wonder how much I can collect this year. :)

And to top it off, I realised for the umpteenth time that Singapore is too small. It so happens that the boyfriend of the temp staff in my dept is actually from my College. Such a coincidence! Haha. Nobody believed me that I knew the guy when I saw him but when he recognised me, everybody was surprised. Hey, my memory ain't that bad ok? :p I can remember faces well but not names so it ain't surprising when I say I know the person. Hehe. Must trust me!

Oh ya, quick update on work before I end off this post. Been busy and hectic at work. Haven't had the time to even take breaks. Been having the feeling that I'm gonna come down with fever soon. Felt really terrible on Thurs and the early parts of Fri til I tool Panadol. My bones were hurting so much and my whole body was aching like crazy. Thank God for medicine else I won't even be able to bowl at all. Hehe.

My boss has told us of our new portfolios and who will be doing what. I'm supposed to learn everything from my supervisor before she gets transferred in Sept and honestly, I really dunno how to find the time to learn from her coz there are too many things for me to handle for the next 3 weeks. Sighz.. Guess I'll have to multi-task and do everything I can to learn as much as possible. I'll try my best coz I really wanna have a chance to take on that role next year. If I do, Marina will lose her bet with me and she will have to treat me to dinner! Haha. Before that, it's gonna be more hectic and busy for me. It'll mean that it will be harder for me to find time to blog but I'll definitely do it every now and then.

For now, it's bedtime! Nitez folks!


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