Better Life

Life's getting better recently. Haven't been working as late but I've got to stay back for D&D rehearsals. It's tiring stuff.. Sighz.. You can see that I'm free at work now as I'm typing this in the office. Actually, it's coz I'm really so bored and in a holiday mode. Haha. Have even decided to go for tea break with Lynn later. :p

Attended both Stephen and Justin's weddings last weekend. It was a nice gathering for many of us and I enjoyed myself. Made me feel envious and wanna get married too but after thinking about it, I don't think I'm ready. Haha. Such irony. Guess my mindset is not ready yet. I still wanna concentrate on work and focus on my career.

Had a gathering at KK's house on Saturday. His place is huge!! But I think lao da's house is bigger. KK's house has got a badminton court at his backyard and a KTV room with the latest songs and the exact system that karaoke lounges use. Cool!! Overall, I had fun except that it was slightly spoilt by 1 of KK's colleague. But let's not talk about her coz she'll spoil the mood.

Have fallen sick due to the haze. Having flu. Sucky feeling. I hate it when it's hazy. The air stinks so bad and it gives me headaches. Just hope and pray that the weather conditions will turn better soon.

Oh ya, I'm no longer going to Shanghai coz I don't feel safe walking on the streets alone. Am heading for Bangkok with Felix instead. Haha. Ya.. Bangkok again! Think I have an affinity with that place. But I won't deny the fact that it's a nice place to shop coz the things are much cheaper than here.

Gotta end for now. This blog has taken me very long to finish due to the sudden influx of work.. Gotta go! Til the next time...


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