Merry Christmas 2006!

December is my favourite month coz (1) it's Tom's bday, (2) it's Xmas, (3) it's our anniversary and most importantly (4) it's MY BDAY! Haha. I know some people do not like their bdays but I like mine. I don't usually organise dinners or bday party celebrations coz honestly, I'm too lazy to do it. :p But somehow, once it's nearing the date of my bday, I start getting excited about it like a small girl. :)

This year, I'll be in the office alone on the actual day of my bday coz stupid private banking side forced somebody from my team to be back for year end adjustments and that chosen person is me. Sighz.. No choice coz I'm the only one who knows how to do everything in my team, both record management stuff and reconciliation stuff. So, on my bday, I'll be back in office at 9am til the time I can finish my work. How sad.. Haha.

Been meeting up with friends recently. The most surprising one being Winston, my brother from JC. It's been years since I last heard from him or even saw him coz somehow he couldn't get my sms-es. How sad... But he sms-ed me 2 weeks back and we FINALLY met up for dinner after not seeing each other for 3 to 4 years! So much to catch up on but so little time as I finished work at 7.45pm and he had to pick his wife up at 8.30pm. Ya.. He's married!! So shocked to discover that but glad that he's happily settled down though there's differences between his wife and her family. Still happy for him and I'm sure he'll be able to work things out properly. :)

Met up with Zub as well coz he's back from New Zealand for Xmas. He's pretty much the same as before but he's only been gone for 6 months so how much can he change? Haha. Glad that he's enjoying what he's doing now. If you're doing something you really want and like, I'm sure you'll be happy.

Had Xmas celebration last night at Joy's place. Was quite fun sitting around, chatting and really just relaxing instead of simply chatting over lunch everyday at work. It's always nice to have gatherings like that. There's another one coming up at Celine's place on 30th Dec. Coincides with Tom's BBQ but I'll be attending both. Haha. How busy I am... Like real. :D

This year is the 1st time I ever gave Xmas presents to colleagues whom I'm close to and Tom's family. I've never really been someone who celebrates Xmas coz I was not brought up that way. My family's more Chinese-minded so Xmas has never been much of a big deal. But somehow, this year, I made my own Xmas more fun by buying gifts for my colleagues. It's actually quite enjoyable. Even Tom's dogs received presents from me. Haha. Makes me feel warm in my heart when I see everybody liking what I gave them. :)

Received several cards via slow mail from Winston (my bro), Von babe and as always, Xiao Liang. To Xiao Liang, I'm terribly sorry that I still didn't manage to send you a Xmas card coz I've been too tied up at work. Sighz.. Every year you never fail to send me a card from UK but me.. I've never been able to give you one for the last 3 years. I've failed as a friend.. :(

Will be meeting up with more friends next week. Looking forward to it coz I haven't met up with most people for quite some time now. Time to catch up on my life and with friends. :p Received quite a few nice Xmas and bday presents already. Thanks everybody!! *hugz*

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


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