
Been busy with work the whole week as both Carol & Joyce were on leave. Worst part was that I was down with flu.. AGAIN! Sucks.. Ever since I changed my seat in office, I've been coming down with flu every 2 months or so. So shitty. :( Anyway, I'm recovering now so it's ok.

I was really touched on Wednesday night when my flu was at the worst stage. Why? Coz Ting and Agnes actually bought dinner for me at 8pm, accompanied me to eat and waited for me to finish my work when they could have gone home already. And I worked til 10pm that night which means that they did nothing in the office for 2 whole hours! It's enough to make me feel really really touched. Agnes even gave me 2 massages that day coz I was so tired and so sick. Thanks dear! Will never forget that night.

Honestly, I'm blessed to have to such a good bunch of colleagues and friends. If I were to ever leave this company, I wonder if I can still find such caring people as colleagues. Though we may be crappy at times and be sarcastic to each other, we know it's all for fun. There's laughter in our department everyday by the stupid things we say or do and it makes the whole workplace so much more enjoyable. Today, I went for breakfast with my aunt before heading to office so I reached at 9am instead of 8.30am. Some of them were worried that I was sick or couldn't wake up and called my mobile to check on me. Touched once again.. :) Thank you girls for all the care and concern!!

Tom's on leave today and came to meet me for lunch at work. It's been so long since we had lunch together (Let's not talk about during the trip. We're talking about S'pore on a weekday). Gave him a small surprise at night when I requested to drive up to Mount Faber Hill Bistro for dinner. He wasn't expecting it but it was an early birthday dinner celebration for him. The only thing I was short of was his present coz I really have got no time at all to buy it and frankly, I have yet to figure out what to buy. Haha. But we had a great dinner and that's what counts for now.

Tomorrow I'll be watching Happy Feet with my cousins followed by dinner at my aunt's place. Sunday I'll be attending yet another wedding dinner. Busy weekend again. Sighz.. No quiet time of my own. Haha.

Oh ya, Meng & Ali, I've more or less decided on my trip to Dubai already. Likely to be last week of June and 1st week of July. Meng, can get me place to stay or can I stay with you? But my female cousin's coming with me. Hehe. You mind? Btw, we might be heading to Egypt on this trip as well. Yet to confirm on that though. We'll firm up things nearer the date ya? :)


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