Memorable Experience

2 weeks ago, I heard the news that another good friend in office was resigning. TC.. He's 1 of the older guys in office and I'm really close to him. We used to sit next to each other while we were still located on the 7th floor and he taught me so much! He always cheered me up and entertained me when I was angry and pissed off with work. There was a time when we were both approached to leave and join another company together but after serious considerations, the 2 of us decided to stay on here and we even made a pact that we will be working together for another year. Sighz.. But I guess he's really upset with work and I can understand why. I'm sad that he's leaving the company but he's found a job that pays much better than here.. So, I'm happy for him too. Just hope that everything works out for him at his new job and if it's really good, he's gotta bring me along! Haha.

Went to Double O to celebrate Felix's bday after work on Friday nite (17/03). We reached at 10pm and the place was already quite crowded. Had to stand around for a while til Ah Bee messaged me that she was outside and didn't wanna go in. I went out to chat with her. It was the 1st time that I really chatted with her and my god! We simply sat outside the club and chatted for 3 hours non-stop. Ken, Felix and Randall started messaging me if I was ever going back into the club and I totally ignored their messages. Felt the bond between Ah Bee and I that nite and I'm glad that she came coz I've got another close friend at work now. :)

Finally re-joined the group at 1am coz Ken came out to drag Ah Bee and I in but Ah Bee refused to join us as her gastric wasn't feeling too good. Told her to go home and rest while I went back to the club. Boy, I gotta admit that I'm either getting old or I haven't exercised for too long coz my legs ached from the dancing! Haha. By the time the nite ended, Felix was drunk again and most of the people were high. I was the only one who didn't drink at all. Haha.

I got pissed off by Randall's friend.. Can't even be bothered to know his name. He's such an attention seeker who use da fake accent and was full of vulgarities. So when the nite ended at 3 am and he was busy seeking attention from us (plus his voice was damn loud), I couldn't take much of his nonsense anymore. Ken was busy arranging transport and stuff for all of us while that guy was talking loudly for the 3rd time about his crap incident with the traffic police, I told Ken to leave that guy and Randall alone. They could do whatever they want and when that idiot told me to "Chill it manz", I replied with "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" That was the limit. I had to get him to shut his trap. ARGH!! He totally got on my nerves. Hope I won't see much of him anymore.

Anyway, I went to meet my buddy, Hus, after we ended at Double O. Went past Devils Bar and there was almost a gang fight right in front of the cops. Haha. 1st time I ever see stuff like this and it was interesting yet scary at the same time. :p It was crazy but the fight didn't happen which was lucky coz I wouldn't have known what to do then. My buddy met up with me and we headed to his work place for dessert coz I was starving!

The memorable experience happened then. We went to his work place to eat but his work place was in a shopping mall and the whole place was already closed at 4am! It was so cool to enter a totally empty and closed shopping mall and to have desserts at a restaurant/cafe that had only the 2 of us! It was amazing! The security guard walked past the cafe at abut 5am and stared at the 2 of us but didn't say anything. Haha. The experience was really wonderful and worth remembering coz I don't think many people would be able to try that.

So, big THANX to my buddy for a truly great experience that I know I'll remember for as long as I live coz it's definitely the 1st for me. And to Felix, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

To Meng, HAPPY BDAY to you too! Monday.. Tomorrow.. I know and I remember. Sorry I can't meet you and Shuang next Friday but hopefully u guys can change the date so that the 3 of us can meet up. It's been so long since I last met the 2 of u!! Really wanna meet u guys k?? Lemme know again. Thanx manz! N have a great bday with gf ya? :)


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