5 mins..

I'll be leaving for the airport in 5 mins and I decided to write a short post before I go.

My supervisor's got promoted which means she 's not leaving the company. Sad news.. No choice. There's nothing I can do. Told my boss how I felt coz she asked me about my feelings. Told her everything.. My unhappiness and the rest of the colleagues' feelings. Not sure if it's the right thing to do but I felt that we shouldn't be suffering in silence anymore. My boss is a nice person and I know she thinks well of me. In order for me to continue on a good note, I had to do it. :p

Anyway, I got to log off soon. I'm gonna miss my baby lots! To be leaving on Valentine's Day, honestly, it's kinda saddening.. Baby, pls take care of urself while I'm away. I'll be thinking of u and missing u lots for the next 5 days. Do ur best at work and enjoy urself with ur friends k? Wanna say "I love u" on this special day. I'll be back soon.. :) *HUGS*


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