
It's not the first time I know that I'm not favoured by my supervisor at work but it happened again today. In my dept, 3 of us (including myself) are having problems solving some issues relating to work but yet, my supervisor helped the other 2 and not me. She helped L the most and my issue has been outstanding since May. My attitude now is "Whatever". She can help whoever she wants and I'll just let my issue sit there til it's escalated to management level. I can't be bothered anymore. Heck care everything at work. Life's unfair, as always.

Anyway, enough about the shit at work that I'm suffering from. Dy's coming back from London in the 4th week of August. Can't wait for him to be back coz then, we can chat via email more easily than now coz now, we only get to chat 4 hours daily. Yeah.. I'm that bored that everyday, I'm looking for people to chat with me via email. Sighz.. I'm wasting my time here without getting to learn. I HATE what I'm doing.

Hey, why am I back to that topic of work? Shucks!

With the help of Luke, I managed to input a player into my blog but yet to figure out if I can include a playlist into my player. Must find some time to work on it. :) And Felix has set up a blog too! Haha. Cool!!

Gotta go get changed for my kickboxing class. I'll blog again soon!


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