Stubborn Me

Today's not a very good day at work. Colleagues are unhelpful and they simply ignore me when I ask them questions or they just treat me as transparent. I know.. I've always been taken for granted at work. They come to me when they need my help but after that, who am I to them? Sighz.. Another sad part of my life. But I know I'll be strong and I'll do what I can at work. If that's the way they want to be, I don't think I can change them so I'll just have to do things on my own. :) I know I'll succeed in time to come.

Today's Jason's birthday. Wished him a happy bday via sms at midnight. He said that I'm the only person who has wished him a happy bday all these years. That's 9 whole years! Haha. I wonder how I do that at times. It bewilders me too. I can never seem to forget his bday nor his house number. That's why I still call him to wish him Happy Bday. I mean, if I remember the date, then why not just do it? :p

Called the other company to cancel my interview appt for today. Felt bad doing that coz the lady who answered the call was so enthusiastic but ended up sounding disappointed. Sighz.. But if my boss can promise me a promotion plus the oppotunity to be team leader, then of coz I should stay. Will just have to see how things go for now. Don't wish to have high hopes to be demolished in future. Let nature take its course.

Honestly, I know there will be people who feel that I'm too new and too young to be leading the team. I don't know. People are never satisfied, aren't they? Like my teacher once said, you can never please the world. You just need to prove to others that you are capable. A person should always be an all-rounder and all along, I firmly believe in that. When the time comes, I'll show the world what I'm capable of. I'm stubborn in that sense. I will not give up!!


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