My Favourite Question

"If you were to die today, would you have any regrets?" I asked.

"I think I do.. Lots of things that I've done in the past are not things that I'm totally proud of or happy about. Given a chance, I'll like to change what I used to do and how I behaved. What about yourself?"

"Me.. I don't have any regrets. I've always believed in following your heart and to live life to the fullest. Learnt that when my mum died when I was 8. From then on, all that I want is to lead a simple and happy life, doing what I want and what I like everyday so that when it's time for me to go, I can go happily and look back on my life with no regrets."

"How do you manage to do that?"

"I guess it's simple for me. I don't reflect on my life everyday but every now and then, I will. And every decision I make, I ensure that it's what I really want for myself. Just like in the past, when I had very strict curfews til I was almost 21, I know it was for my own good. And most importantly, no matter how much you are angry with a person, don't live with hatred in your life. For me, I restrict my own unhappiness for a day and that's the maximum. I won't allow myself to dwell on the saddening aspects of my life. This applies for breakups in a relationship as well. It's not that I don't feel the hurt, but I'd rather live my life happily and I know there will always be people who truly care about me, wanting the best for me."

"Wow! Sounds like you're really optimistic. Think that's 1 aspect I've got to learn from you."

For a lot of people, they do not enjoy working on public holidays, going back to work on weekends or working late when their normal working days are 5 days from 9-6pm. Look on the bright side. The other day, I was supposed to go back to work on a public holiday just to send out a report that I'm doing daily. I just think of it as part of my job and hence, I went back to work with no complaints. And I've been working late the whole week, I just feel that it's coz I'm learning more things and I handle more stuff than the rest. Yes, of coz I'm tired and I'm having flu again.. But it's all for a good cause. The more you learn, the higher the chance of a promotion. And that's all that's on my mind right now. But if the promotion doesn't come, I'll just look for another job.. Which won't be a problem coz I've been learning all this while and I believe that the experience will come in handy.

So folks, don't despair! We'll always see the light at the end of the tunnel. Be strong, be optimistic and remember to live your life to the fullest!!!!


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