Changi Airport

At Changi Airport right now using the free internet while Felix is in the toilet with a tummyache. As always, I must leave my last words before I fly off and leave the country.

Will be heading to Bangkok for a 4 days 3 nights trip this time. Don't think I'll be travelling around the place as much as I did the other time when I went with Ali, Lao Da, Anne and Stef. Think I miss the whole clan of people. But 1 thing that I'm glad about is that I'm FINALLY taking a break from work. The last time I took leave was in June and since then, I've been slogging my ass off at work. Been working til 9pm every nite when I start work at 8.30am. Even worked til 12 midnight just to clear off my work to go on this trip. Haha.

Time I start enjoying and relaxing myself.. I need a good break from work. Hope everything goes well in office and that I managed to clear my stuff as much as I can. I can't remember if I've forgotten to do anything but I sure hope I did not. :p

To my dear, I'll be back soon and we'll go on our Phuket trip ya? Can't wait!! Cya when I'm back. Meanwhile, take care of yourself!!!

And to D, I'm sorry I've been such a lousy friend.. I'm honestly sorry.


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