Mr Fighting

Been busy at work for the past 2 weeks. This week is also included. Very very tired..

My boss has started interviewing people for my position. Finally I can be rid of doing the very admin stuff. YEAH!! Haha. Ya, feeling happy and excited but also wondering when I can start learning more so that I can replace my supervisor to be team leader. I know I'm not up to standard yet but I'll work hard. I really will. Been telling myself that everyday. 1 day my dreams will come true..

Mum's death anniversary came and went. I won't deny the fact that I miss her loads. Teared a bit the night of her anniversary. 16 long years without her.. Sighz.. Wonder if she can see me now. Wonder if she knows how her daughter is and how hard her daughter is trying to prove herself to the family so as not to disappoint her. Wonder if she knows that her daughter has not let her down, that her daughter has graduated from university according to her wish and is working somewhere that she can be proud of. I miss her so much.. So so much.. God, wish the tears can stop rolling down right now..

Ok.. Change of topic else I'll be crying the whole night. Borrowed a Taiwanese drama serial called Mr Fighting from Ah Bee's boyfriend's sister. Finished the whole show in 2 days. Spent my Sunday watching from the minute I woke up to the minute that I slept.. That was almost 12 hours non-stop of watching. Haha. Ya.. Think I'm nuts. There's this quote in the show that I like a lot.. Shall end of with the quote..

"No man is ever worthy of your tears.. Because the man who is worthy of your love will never make you cry" .


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