2.5 Years

Today is my 2.5 years and 1 day together with Tom. Wanted to finish using my movie vouchers but there were no good shows currently so we decided to stay at home and simply relax. Spent some quality time chatting and talking about stuff regarding our future. Also spent some time cuddling each other, something that we haven't done since our Genting trip as everyday and every weekend is spent rushing to places. Felt good to finally get to cuddle my boy. Happy 2.5 years' anniversary my dear!

Went to Joy's housewarming on Fri after work. Our whole dept went. For once, everybody was at the same place at the same time besides being in the office. I know it was awkward for Nat and Chris to be at the same place and Nat probably felt left out coz she basically didn't start any conversations or participate much in any of ours. But she did smile while we cracked jokes at one another's expense and teased one another. She left early though. All in all, I think the rest of us did enjoy ourselves and the food that Joy's dad made was really delicious and fantastic, especially the really huge oysters that we had! It was baked with cheese and it was absolutely tender and nice, not over-baked or too raw. I'm not a big fan of oysters but I must say that that was the best that I've ever had! :)

Saturday was very much a busy one for me. Met Zoey for the 1st time and went with her and Peg to Joy's private sale. Perspired a lot due to the hot sun and all the walking. After that, Peg and I went to Orchard to buy presents for Uncle and Alvin's bday. Couldn't find anything to buy for Ky but I'll be looking out for stuff to buy for her tomorrow since I'm on leave. Hehe.

Tomorrow's gonna be a hectic day too. I'll be going to Tom's place early in the morning as I don't want dad to know I'm on leave. Which means that I gotta wake up at the normal time that I go to work. Then I'll head to Shenton Way to meet ex-DBS colleagues for lunch. After that, I'll proceed to Orchard for some shopping before heading to buddy's workplace for tea with Meng. Then, it's more shopping either at Orchard or Suntec before meeting Janis and Ben for dinner at 6.30pm at City Hall. Haha. Schedule's all planned out. It's just a matter of how much shopping I can accomplish. :p

Thinking of what to do on Tuesday though. Don't think I wanna rush about so much on Tues a I'll be heading back to work on Wed. I'll probably just head to Tom's place in the morning, do some shopping for groceries at the supermarket and try to prepare a good meal for my boy when he's home. Hopefully it won't turn out to be a flop. Haha. Think I need to rest more on Tuesday afternoon as I'll be watching World Cup tonite and tomorrow nite (the 3am matches). Hehe.

Watching the England vs Ecuador match as I'm typing this and the score is still 0-0 and 56 mins has gone past. How saddening. I must say that Ecuador has committed quite a few fouls but referee has simply ignored them all. Sighz.. Actually, the most impt person in the match is the referee but sometimes, the referee takes side with some teams. It's so unfair.. Just like the referee who gave the penalty to Ghana (against USA) when the player fell by himself. I guess, nothing's really fair in this world ya?

Oh ya, I chatted with Diana earlier via MSN. Finally.. It's been a long time since I last talked to her. Glad that she still reads my blog and I really miss that girl! Hope to meet up with u soon k? And sorry you can't meet us tomorrow for lunch. :(

And it's a GOAL!! by David Beckham at 61 mins! Haha. K.. I shall go concentrate on the match. :)


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