
Showing posts from 2011

Mucho Gracias!

Year end party on 08 Dec 2011. Made me realize how much fun my team can be and how much I really do enjoy being in this department, how happy I am to be out of my previous department! Short of 3 traders in this pic but included our temporary secretary. Great nite out! 10 Dec - Dinner with Bee Ling, Stacy and Bingjie together with our partners! :) Kinda fun to be all paired up! 11 Dec - Dinner with my besties at Robertson Quay but Anne and Von couldn't make it. Nothing beats meeting up and catching up with my besties!! Today, once again, I am really really honoured, touched and blessed to be in my current department. A surprise gift to thank me for my hardwork in the past 1.5 years with them. Unexpected present - Cartier earrings. The tri-gold colored earrings that they gave me was.. unbelievable! It's not the cost, nor the brand. It's the thought that touched me most. It's my job to be their assistant but they said they realized all the effort I have put in and that I h

Retrenchment.. Again..

3rd round of retrenchment exercise in office today for the year. How many more rounds of this can we go through? How much more can we take? People from the 1st 2 rounds have yet to be able to find jobs.. And it's so near to Xmas time now!! Economic downturn is affecting us all. 2012 will not be a good year for anyone. Euro debt crisis is bringing the whole world down and all we can do is hope n pray for the best. Save your pennies for the rainy days my friends. Keeping my fingers crossed and I do regret agreeing to go to Sapporo in Jan now. I knew I shouldn't have... No idea why I said ok. And now.. I can only wish..

Good Palette

Been a while since I posted with pics so here's some pics with updates! Don't think I updated this last week but I was floating on air coz a stranger (lady) came up to me at the bus interchange to say I look pretty and slim. Not once, not twice but a minimum of three times. OK, I know this is a little thick skinned but it makes me happy so... Just bear with it ok? Hehe. We had a broker event tonite -Wine tasting nite. My god.. It's brilliant!! We had so many different types of wines and I was the only one out of about 50 people to score 5/5! Perfect score!!! They had a specialist wine critic, Jeremy Oliver, who was there to talk about the wines and give his opinion. Along with a book that he wrote. He came up to me and asked for my opinion on the wines. After which, he told me I was the only who had it all correct! He said I had a fantastic palette and that I'll outshine him!!! Wines that I had for tonite. Answer: B, B, B, A. The last 2 wine selections are not in this l

Dinner with Old Clan

A dinner with the old clan of folks - Bee, Felix, Ken, KK, Goldwin, Chuan, Justin. The only person missing was Marina and it would have been perfect and complete. The group I hung out with the most when I 1st joined this company. The group I went clubbing with every Friday then. How much I miss this group of friends!! How much I miss the time when we all worked together on the same floor bickering and teasing one another!! Tonite felt the same as back then, as though all of us have never left. :) For the 1st time, we arranged last Thursday evening and all of us turned up tonite. That is just amazing! And of coz everytime I talk to my dearest buddy KK, he makes me feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will find out 2 months down the road but I know, there's always a way out no matter what happens. Love all the groups of friends I've made in my life and treasuring all my friendships with all the lovely people!!


I'll post about Europe trip once I've sorted the pics.. Soon I hope! Anyway, ever believe in coincidences? I've had so many coincidences happening on the same day recently that it's getting a bit scary, but in a nice way. Eg, yesterday around noon my manager asked if we did certain types of trades and I said I think so. Evening time around 4pm, my ex boss was doing that exact type of trade!! And today, I went to visit gram. Was a little reluctant getting out of bed but I dragged myself up in the end. Glad I did! Went for breakfast with uncle Charles n aunt Marg at this coffee shop where it used to a restaurant we frequented, esp for celebrating gram's bday. The restaurant was owned by uncle Charles's friend and it's closed down now. We chatted about the times we ate there in the past and of the owner. Then home we went. Dinner time came and Eeyore and I couldn't decide where to go for dinner. I suggested Casuarina prata at Pierce and he wanted f

Europe Update 2

Travelling on a tour bus from Cordoba to Granada now. They actually have wifi on the bus! Looking at the vast land and greenery with the sun shining brightly and typing this post is just awesome. This trip is proving to be a marvelous one thus far. Winter in Europe is very different from winter in Asia. I like the experience of both and hopefully I get to travel more n experience more along the way. Just saw on Facebook that 2 great friends of mine I knew when I 1st started working are getting married! Sooo happy for them! Time to delete pictures on the bus ride for memory space. Til next time!

Quick Update of Europe Trip

I'll do an update of my entire trip complete with pics when I'm back. For now, all I can say is.. I love Europe!!! I had an unbelievably amazing experience in France where I met nice and warm people. More update on that in the entire trip post. Needless to say, plenty of charming guys who dress immaculately and soooo well! Eeyore kept pointing out the men to me! Haha. We were saying that he will definitely turn gay if he stays or lives in France. :) And here I am now, in a country I love soooo much - Espanol!!! My beloved Spain!! Currently in Sevilla in a beautiful studio apartment resting. Having a terrible migraine from lack of sleep. Weather here is super hot (Singapore weather) compared to France or London where it was chilly and nice at 12 degrees everyday. Not complaining coz night time is still a lot more cooling. Just took 2 panadols so I'm off to bed soon as migraine is finally gone for now. Til the next post, take care all!! **dreaming big.. living and l

Great Week!

It was a great week before I went on my holiday! Mon (31 Oct) - finally had a good catch up session with Zhen after 10 years. Our friendship broke during college times n I never knew the reasons til Monday. Nor did I know that the best friend I hung out with in school daily actually liked me but denied it in front of me when we talked about it, yet admit to Zhen. Anyway, it was eons ago and I'm glad to have found my close gf back again. :) Tues (01 Nov) - dinner with my dearest brothers cum close guy friends since 10 years back - Luke, Vic and Alwyn. Went for dinner at a place called Celina's where the alcohol was amazing! Food was also yummy and overall, fantastic companion made it all work well! Wed (02 Nov) - drinks with Jackson mentor. I miss talking to him in office! He's the only guy on the team I know I can confide in and he could tell lots of stuff without me saying. Kristian, my London trader, was also there n some of the sales guys too. PSM especially.. ma

Kudos to Great Friends! :)

It sucks to be sick right now - I'm not sure if I'm considered sick but I vomited once on a weekday this week n twice a few hours ago. But I'm once again grateful and thankful for fantastic caring friends buying me dinner before they go for their own dinner. 5 people walked to the market opposite my house just to buy me dinner. Boy, I'm really really touched! Thanks to the 5 of you for buying me dinner before going for your own!! Most heartfelt appreciation from me. Thanks Sid, Stef, Jean, JW and gf! :) Sorry I had to pull out of dinner last minute. 1 more week to my long awaited trip! Can't wait and I hope to get well soon enough to go for it! 1st trip to Europe! Woohoo!!!

Stacy's House Visit and New Seat Move!

Was at Stacy's place last nite after work. I love her house!!! It's the kind of place that I've been wanting for myself. But, I don' t have the money to afford it. :( Bee Ling was not feeling well so had to pull out from our gathering. Stacy cooked dinner for us and made Korean ginseng soup. Bingjie made macaroons and brought them over. As for me, I brought wine and chips. Hehehe. I have chef friends so I shall sponsor the drinks and snacks. Our girlie talk ended at 1.30am. Sooo tired that I was dozing off as they were talking. Haha. :X Embarrassing. But we had fun and it was nice to visit Stacy's house especially to see Tatie, Stacy's fat male cat who went from being aloof to being on my lap half the nite. I'm not a big fan of cats actually. I'm a dog person but this cat behaves sooo much like a dog, I didn't feel that it was a cat at all!! LOL! Poor Tatie lost his sweet little partner 2 weeks ago from liver failure.. :( Let's hope we can find M

To dearest Venus

1st thing that I saw on Facebook this morning was the demise of a beloved dog, Venus. Venus is a labrador owned by Tom and his family. I still remember those days where I would go to Tom's house when he was at work and it was just Venus and me in the house, by ourselves. Planet and Cosmo were not allowed in the house unless Uncle was home. Venus would be by my side wherever I walked. When I was sick or unhappy, she could sense it and would nudge me every now and then. I've had beautiful moments spent alone with this gorgeous dog that will be etched in my memory forever. So goodbye for now my dearest Venus. Rest in peace. I'll miss you forever and may we meet again someday, somehow.

Perforation in Right Ear

I have a perforation in my right ear, which is causing the pain. My doctor and I are not sure if it was caused by the wakeboarding (where I heard a little pop when I fell in the water) or was it from the previous ear infection. The little hole is at the top part of my outer ear. So the middle part of my ear is a little exposed now. I've been given antibiotics but no ear drop. Gotta keep the ear clean and dry and let it heal on its own. Doc says that as long as I don't experience any loss of hearing, it's still alright. Otherwise, I might need to go for a small op. Worst case scenario will be deafness. Am I worried? Am I scared? Hmm.. A little I guess. But of coz I'm hoping for the best. Not gonna worry too much unduly and take everything as it comes. Will I go wakeboarding again? Hell yeah! Haha. It's not gonna deter me though I'll be more careful in future. :) Life's still good as far as I know, in my humble opinion. ^.^

WWW - Wakeboarding & Wayne's Wedding

It's been quite an eventful weekend thus far - despite headaches in between from yesterday til today which had to be cured by Panadols on both days. My life seems to revolve medication now which doesn't seem too good but whatever.. I'm still enjoying my life as it is. Friday was spent well - had my 1 drink as promised with Ben. Then met up with Bee for some shopping and catching up at Orchard. I still owe her a birthday pressie. After shopping, it was time for massage and it was soooo good, I fell asleep! Slept at 1am.. So when Saturday morning came, obviously I was in a foul mood for having to wake up at 6.30am. Blew a little tantrum but was quickly ok thereafter coz .. it was time for my 1st go at wakeboarding!!! Woohoo!!! It was enjoyable to watch everyone do it and be sooo good at it. I'm a beginner and quite a lousy one. Haha. I managed to stand up a few times but can't hold it there for long. Thank goodness for great friends who went with me - Charmaine, Ben,

A Tribute To Steve Jobs - An Inspiration!

While waiting for my hair to dry, I decided to blog a post. My team had 2 broker dinners arranged tonight. Obviously I had to pick one but seems like both dinners went wild tonight from what I heard!!! So there I was at Oso, having dinner with a couple of guys on my team and 2 brokers, jus chatting and chilling. Found out quite a number of things tonight! :) 1) their opinion of me 2) how lowly paid I am and how highly paid they thought I was. They couldn't believe that after lowering the annual pay they thought I was getting by 3 times, it was still not low enough. Haha. Pathetic life of mine 3) that I should leave this company despite my close relationship with my team (they are supportive of that idea too) I have been toying with the idea of leaving for long enough. Tried to leave twice but still stayed on. Maybe it's time to go. Steve Job's death today was an awakening to me. I read an article which was his commencement address at Stanford College. His words we

Fire Starter - Fire Engine Required?

Something happened that made me kinda unhappy. Maybe that person is right - I like to send out wrong signals and start fires. Strong words used like "hate her.. acted noble.. look down on her.." Maybe I really do behave that way but that's just me and I've been like this all my life. Judge me for my behavior below and maybe I need a fire engine. I stroke the head of my male colleague in office. I talk rubbish with them. I treat everyone the same - coz I believe that if I'm nice to someone, they will be nice to me. So I treat the guys equally n whine jus like how I'll do to my family n friends. I address Dilun as "Di Di" although he's now married to Jean. I call my sister endearingly on office phone as dear or darling. I'm sorry if people don't like it. But like what my teacher used to tell me when I told him about people not liking the way I act or behave - You can't please the world. Just be yourself. True friends will stick

Congratulations to Jean and Dilun!!!

Been a crazy couple of weeks so far. Working my ass off at work with OT almost everyday and even working on weekends. Not sure how appreciated I am but still.. That's life I guess. The only 2 days where I didn't work til too late was coz the gals and I were working on the props for dearest Jean and Dilun's wedding! Yup, another bestie is now someone else's wife! :) Sooo happy for them that their love has blossomed to the marriage stage. But since there was no speech for the wedding, I'm gonna be very extra and write a speech for my dear friend here. Dearest Jean and Dilun, words cannot express my joy and happiness to see both of u finally tying the knot and being husband and wife. 7 long years of dating is a very long time and I'll never forget how we met as friends, and all the things we've done together as friends. All the ups and downs that we've been through, that we've shared as friends.. Are truly treasured memories in my life and I'm glad

Of Anniversary & Weddings

A very fruitful and busy week past me by - with mostly work. This post will be more pics than words coz the previous post was really wordy. :) 16 Sep marks 3 years with Eeyore. A yummylicious dinner at Raffles Grill was satisfying! My starter - Remoulade of crab and zest symphony. Every mouthful had a different flavour burst! :D Main - Omaha beef tenderloin, baby ratte potato, girolles with madeira sauce Desserts! Raspberry & Lime (something) - This was heavenly! Chocolate & Coffee (something again) Flowers & Me! 17 Sep - My sis's bday! Happy bday!!! Went for brunch with my secondary school girlies to celebrate Bee Ling's last day as a free and single woman. :) Headed to Spruce and after a good meal, we went crazy with Stacy's props and took 400+ pics!! We perspired, laughed and had tons of fun! It was as if we were back to the days where we were 16 once again! Young and carefree! How I miss that! So here goes my fave 2 pics! 18 Sep - Dearest Bee Ling's wedd

A month now..

Sorry for the long absence. Haven't been in the best of health for the last couple of weeks but glad it's getting better now. Most importantly, glad to finally be able to blog on mobile (thanks S for letting me know!). Blogging now while on cab to Choa Chu Kang for baby shower.. Sorry, a very long post to update the last month's event! A very nice Bear came to pick me up and sent me to the Chinese doctor to rub my ankle after a week of it being swollen. Thanks lots!! Still a bit painful now but I'll keep rubbing it. :) Bugged by a very bad headache on 22 Aug n I took my 1st mc for the year. Worked from home quite a bit too. Went to see Dr Siew (my fave doc) and took medication for the horrifying acne problem on my face too. Had my 1st ever eyebrow embroidery n eyelash perming on 23 Aug. Finally no more drawing of eyebrows! If u ask me if it was painful, I'll say yes though I know there are others who will say no. I'm scared of needles and pain of such! Thanks to

Rollercoaster Week

Some good and bad moments this week. Drinks last Friday with broker, traders and a couple of sales guys came along. Jacko came along too! Got to know a girl from broker called Alicia who was super friendly and we hit it off right away. We ended up chatting tog the whole nite! Haha. 1st time that I see almost everyone high from drinking! Luckily I was still quite alright. :p Went to work extra early on Monday morning in anticipation of a very busy day due to the US downgrade. Work load was pretty normal surprisingly. By 10am, I was drained from work and the very nice pantry lady made me a cup of green tea without me asking her to. She wanted to make me coffee but saw that I already had a cup of coffee before that, hence gave me green tea instead. Small little action but extremely sweet and heartwarming to me. :) Dinner with Irene from sales and Yuhui after work as Irene would be leaving SG to work in HK office. :( Wish I can go with her too... Tues was the day where it went crazy

21 years and counting...

Irene cried last night. Her son has a form of autism - a bit of ADHD and has some problems understanding questions and responding to it. Not to mention that he is also quite a weak boy in terms of his health. I know how she feels as a mother.. Worried and hence the tears. But he's still young and lots of kids have such problems. They will outgrow it in future. So I told her about me when I was young. I refused to talk to anyone til I was about 4 or 5. Refused as in I never uttered a single word. When visitors came to our house, I'll run and hide in the room til they have left before coming out of the room. That was me. Gram thought I was born deaf and dumb so she made mummy bring me to the doctor for checkups. Then as I grew older, I started talking. But I also kept falling sick. Had to see the doctor almost once or twice a month. I know mummy was very sad about my condition. Maybe it stressed her out too, just like how it is for Irene now. Maybe that's why mummy decided to

All Of You Are My Guardian Angels!!

I think I've said this quite a number of times but once again, I am glad and thankful that I'm blessed with nice people and friends. And 1 thing I know for sure - I'll never regret my decision to move to this department to be surrounded by even more wonderful people. K bought a bottle of herbal tea for me during lunch, much to my surprise. I'm having this horrendous pimple outbreak and he noticed it while we were chatting last evening at work when I worked late. The herbal tea buying was a out of the blue moment for me and I was really touched. :) Thanks K for the wonderful thought! Sometime back, when I was hungry, B gave me Kinder Bueno. 1 of the mornings last week, I was hungry and he bought me siew mai. Somedays he'll give me apples. Or my favourite corn soup from MOS Burger coz I'm feeling cold and hungry in the office. All the little actions touched my heart. Thanks for being a great friend cum buddy! And thanks to Yuhui for helping me buy my last minute r


I actually have been meeting up with long time old friends recently. Met up with my secondary school girlfriends few weeks back and again, last week. Bee & Stacy! 2 of my closer girlfriends! Really glad to meet up with them after 13 years! We still had lots to talk about, and were just as close as we used to be in school days. I really miss old friends heaps and love them lots! As we chatted, I realised that all of us have been through a lot. But we're here for one another now and that's what matters most. :) Met up with Winston today - another long time old friend whom I've known since I was 16 but have lost contact for quite a few years now. He always calls me Brother in public. Coincidentally he works at the same building as me now but on the 7th floor. Had lunch with him today and I discovered that he's been through so so much! His mum and my dad both passed away in 2008. His daughter was also born in 2008 and he had a tumour in 2008. My goodness.. How much did

Fina World Swimming Championships 2011

For the whole of this week, my mind and soul have flown to Shanghai - the Fina Swimming World Championships is on! I try my best to rush home every nite after work just to do 1 thing - watch the swimming action live. But in case I miss it, I have set my timer to record the heats in the morning and the live action at nite. :) Have always loved and enjoyed watching sports action on TV. I go crazy whenever there's Olympics, World Cup, or whatever sports action I can get to watch live, including sacrificing my sleep. Of coz, Michael Phelps is the man that I like currently for swimming. And Ryan Lochte too! It used to be Ian Thorpe but he retired. :( Swimming action means a lot to me coz grandpa insisted that all his grandchildren learn swimming since we were kids and I've always fancied water (despite the fact that I nearly drowned in the sea a couple of times). It's still a big part of me no matter what. But Michael is gonna retire after the 2012 Olympics in London. And I thin

Carpe Diem!

Had a wonderful broker nite out with my team and Jackson came along too. :) We even invited our trainee, Andrew, from Sydney along. At drinks downstairs (Harry's), an ex colleague SM was there too and we did some catching up. Then off we went to dinner at Ristorante Bologna located at Marina Mandarin. Even before ordering dinner, we were doing shots and vodka and wine. Broker kept disturbing Andrew and Andrew, being egoistic, kept taunting broker back. Had to do 4 shots in a row (supposed to be 5 but I helped him with a shot) and after that, he was half gone (I asked him this morning how much of last nite can he remember and that was where his recollection ended). Plenty more drinks later, poor Andrew couldn't walk straight - even had to use me to steady himself. Haha. Yet, ego still kicked in and some of the guys went on for 2nd round with him while I headed off home. Had a good catch up session with Jackson as well while the others drank and chatted and ate. :) Overall, I fel

The Ugly Truths

14 July 2011 A day where for the 1st time, I saw the harsh realities of the world I work in. My mentor cum good friend, Jackson, was retrenched for no rhyme and reason. Everyone who works with him knows him as Mr Nice Guy who has been with the bank for 13 years. And that's what the bank did to him. That dreadful morning, he was being bullied by the team to treat coffee coz he was on the morning shift but came a bit late. As I was downstairs helping the team to get the coffee, he was told the news. I came up and my colleague told me that Jackson was retrenched. I told my colleague to not joke and he said he wasn't. Tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably. Silent hot tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. Jackson was the 1 who 1st interviewed me, who thought highly of me and wanted the rest of the team to meet me and hire me. He was the one who taught me everything I needed to know now. We shared many secrets between us and he trusted me with things going on in his family. He was 1 o

Thanks Gordon!

Did a basic body checkup on Sunday morning. I'm 49.9kg.. 0.1 more kg to reach 50kg. That's the target but luckily, it wasn't what I expected my weight to be. Not a very fair result though coz I hadn't had food for the last 14 hours when I went for the checkup (dinner was at 8pm and checkup was at 11am). I'm still underweight - BMI & BMR says that. Visceral Fat is at a fantastic level of 1 - the least that anyone can have. Phew.. The lady doing the checkup thought I was only 24 years old. YAY! Haha. The system somehow manages to calculate the age of the body through weight, height and some other factors. It says that I have a body of a 19 year old. :p I'm happy with that but the lady said that an age difference of + or - 10kg is not good. BOO! Anyhow, my blood pressure was very low on the 1st test. 2nd test was slightly higher but still low. Somehow heartbeat was pretty slow - dying? Which reminded me of the time when Jer was sick and I went to the doc with h


I thought going for a jog was supposed to be good, but it ended up making me think too much. About too many things in my life. The older I get, it seems the more melancholic I become. Why? Getting old should not equate to getting emotional right? Anyhow, 3 nights of biscuits & grapes for dinner with the impact of some bouts of diarrhoea combination has caused me to lose some weight. :) Plus the jogging - woohoo!! Agnes bought an abs roller and she says it's quite good so she's gonna lend it to me on 1 of the weekends when I'll be more free to use it. Hopefully that will be next weekend! If it's really good, I'm gonna buy 1 for my own keeping and usage! Craving for some tennis, some jogging, some swimming. Craving for more exercise. Hoping to clear my mind. Hoping to lose the fats on my tummy. Wishing to be me again. 6 more months to go. What will become of me then? Will I get what I want or will it be something different? Only time will tell.. Til then, it's

iPhone 4 replaced!

Had a horrible shock last nite. Was out at Pump Room for Adeline's farewell and drinks. It was nice seeing all the ex-colleagues once again. And I discovered something about myself.. I miss clubbing not coz of the drinking, but coz I miss dancing! I haven't danced in a long long time prior to last nite and my craving for dancing is getting bigger and bigger. There's this incurable itch for dancing - be it any kind of dancing. :( So I had my iPhone in my jeans pocket the whole time I was dancing. Ok, the jeans was kinda tight so obviously the phone will be pressing against my thighs. But it shouldn't cause the phone to die on me right?? Imagine my horror when the phone won't turn on, resetting it doesn't work and worse of all, even plugging the phone to the laptop into iTunes to restore it won't even work! Spent the whole nite til almost 3am trying to resolve the issue to no avail! Slept and all the dreams I had was that my phone could work again. Woke up exc


A crazy week went past yet again. Had sooo many brekkies and dinners that I think I put on weight too fast! :D Dearest Stephen bro bought me brekkie for the whole week! Feel blessed and thankful! 07 June 2011 (Tues) - Dinner at Hotel 1921, Restaurant Ember. Located at Chinatown, I have never imagined myself eating in the restaurant of this boutique hotel. It was a client meeting (not my client of coz). I was nervy and unsure when I went as I've never met this guy before and I had no idea what to expect. But having been to so many broker dinners now, I knew I had to open up and chat so I went with an open mind. Verdict: food was excellent, service was great, but what really swept me off my feet were the 3 bottles of vintage wines that the client brought along. 1982 Chateau Lynch Bages (1 of the best years for wine, not to mention.. my year of birth!) & the 1990 burgundy - magnificent! 08 June 2011 (Wed) - Broker dinner at Orchard Parade Hotel, Akanoya after a lunch of Buddha Ju

Just An Update..

Didn't realise that it's been a month since I last blogged. Time flies.. I've been rather healthy recently I must say. Finally playing my beloved tennis once again and it's been 2 weeks since I last played. Itching and craving for it!!! Been jogging as well and building up the stamina. I enjoy the time alone when jogging. I try not to think about anything other than the route I'm gonna jog and the journey home. Hopefully by sweating out the toxins, my skin can get better too! :) Hmm.. What else have I been up to? Can't really remember other than spending quite a bit of time with my besties. :p My bunch of fun and crazy girlfriends whom I love and treasure dearly! Other than that, I've been meeting up with some old friends too. Met up with Abel last Thurs. Carissa, Christine & Agnes last Mon. Bee on last Tues. Prior to that, it was a lot of packing of the house and of coz, changing the furniture!! New sofa and dining table arrived. I'm pleased to see

Dressing well

Have you ever felt in a good mood coz u felt like u dressed well for the day? I dunno about what u guys think or feel, but I always feel good when I doll up or know that I'm dressed nicely/well for the day. When I'm dolled up, I feel happy and hence, I think I exude confidence which makes me feel good. Hehe. In a good mood the whole of today other than at about 2pm when I was super busy and extremely annoyed by a stupid system where I can't log in and there's so many issues with that system. I know I lost it there and then. Totally pissed off. Was stressed with work especially at my busy timing of 2pm and I had to resolve the stupid password issue. Rash outbreak happened immediately and there I was, itching and scratching and trying hard to apply heaps of moisturizer all at the same time. 2 hours of itching is a major killer and I couldn't control the itch at all! I'm sure most of you won't know that sort of feeling unless you've had chicken pox. But the

Favourite Male Leads Concert - 29/30 April 2011

A little backdating of entries here. 29 April 2011 - A crazy evening Stef and I had. We actually went to queue up just to get the autographs of my favourite HK actors: Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Kevin Cheng and Bosco Wong. It was sheer madness and the 1st time I did such a crazy thing. We reached there at 7pm (supposed time where the Q starts for u to get the posters for them to sign on. Upon reaching, we were probably 500 people away from the front of the Q!!! Unbelievable! The end result - I had the chance to go up close and personal to them, speak with them and shook their hands!! I'm a like a little fan of theirs! Haha. Makes me feel young but really happy. Gotta thank Stef for doing this crazy thing with me despite not knowing much chinese but she acted like a true fan too, including running out of the mall to chase for the bus that they were on! :) Thanks babe! 30 April - The long awaited concert of the 4 of them!!! Went with Siu Min and my sis. Screamed, sang, cheered, ran after t


It's been a crazy and busy 2 weeks - but I'm happy for them! Been spending lots of time with my beloved group of besties and they make me laugh and cry all at the same time. That's the kind of fun yet craziness we share. I'm not a very political person and I really do HATE politics, especially if it's those office kinda politics. But it's elections time and I'm getting annoyed with all the postings, blabberings, and all the finger pointing shit that people are talking about. I know we all have our own opinions and to each his/her own. Do NOT force me to do or think the same way as you do. I have my own opinions and my own choices. Whatever your opinion about the PAP or whichever party u wanna support, do NOT tell me. I don't care and I don't wish to care. A friend of mine posted this blog post by Xiaxue on FB. I must say, I do agree with what she said - not on the Nicole Seah FB shit but about Lee Kuan Yew and what he has done for our country. Stop