All Of You Are My Guardian Angels!!

I think I've said this quite a number of times but once again, I am glad and thankful that I'm blessed with nice people and friends. And 1 thing I know for sure - I'll never regret my decision to move to this department to be surrounded by even more wonderful people.

K bought a bottle of herbal tea for me during lunch, much to my surprise. I'm having this horrendous pimple outbreak and he noticed it while we were chatting last evening at work when I worked late. The herbal tea buying was a out of the blue moment for me and I was really touched. :) Thanks K for the wonderful thought!

Sometime back, when I was hungry, B gave me Kinder Bueno. 1 of the mornings last week, I was hungry and he bought me siew mai. Somedays he'll give me apples. Or my favourite corn soup from MOS Burger coz I'm feeling cold and hungry in the office. All the little actions touched my heart. Thanks for being a great friend cum buddy!

And thanks to Yuhui for helping me buy my last minute request - my latest love and my beloved treasure. A present I bought for myself after 3 long years of abstaining from buying such stuff. :) A beautiful choice by Yuhui and I know she had to go to the shop 3 times to look for it. Much appreciated!!!

Of coz I won't forget the other friends who are not in office whom I know will always be there for me, caring for and looking after me. Like J who will buy dinner for me sometimes or simply just meet me for dinner coz she knows I'm too lazy. Glad to be able to help at her wedding photoshoot coz it makes me happy to know that she's found her happiness!

There's also SS who asked if I needed food and were more than willing to cook dinner for me coz I wasn't well sometime back. Not to mention the yummylicious stuff that I benefit from their cooking.

Then there's Ah Bee who has always been there for me regardless of the situations. And definitely many many more whom I'm missing out to mention here or this post will probably take 10 pages and more!

From the bottom of my heart, thank u to ALL my friends! Yes, ALL as in everyone who is my friend! I really really appreciate your care, concern and love for me as friends!

2 days later marks my mummy's departure from this planet for 21 years. On a day when I'm filled with sadness, love fills my heart and warms me up. I'll be going for drinks with a group of friends tomorrow to fill up the emptiness in my life with some warmth and definitely, some alcohol. Then I'll think of mummy alone on Thursday. I miss my mummy forever but I know she's sent lots of guardian angels to protect and care for me til she gets to do it herself again.

So til then, I'll always cherish all the guardian angels aka my friends til the end of my time! Love always!!


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