Carpe Diem!

Had a wonderful broker nite out with my team and Jackson came along too. :) We even invited our trainee, Andrew, from Sydney along. At drinks downstairs (Harry's), an ex colleague SM was there too and we did some catching up.

Then off we went to dinner at Ristorante Bologna located at Marina Mandarin. Even before ordering dinner, we were doing shots and vodka and wine. Broker kept disturbing Andrew and Andrew, being egoistic, kept taunting broker back. Had to do 4 shots in a row (supposed to be 5 but I helped him with a shot) and after that, he was half gone (I asked him this morning how much of last nite can he remember and that was where his recollection ended).

Plenty more drinks later, poor Andrew couldn't walk straight - even had to use me to steady himself. Haha. Yet, ego still kicked in and some of the guys went on for 2nd round with him while I headed off home. Had a good catch up session with Jackson as well while the others drank and chatted and ate. :) Overall, I felt the whole nite was brilliant! Lotsa fun and laughter though part of it came from seeing Andrew drunk. Lol!

I am really treasuring every moment with my team now. Nothing is for certain anymore and I might as well just make the best of my time spent here. Be happy and enjoy and treasure every moment! Carpe Diem!!!

Hope Kelv gor's mum recovers soon!!!


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