Fire Starter - Fire Engine Required?

Something happened that made me kinda unhappy. Maybe that person is right - I like to send out wrong signals and start fires. Strong words used like "hate her.. acted noble.. look down on her.."

Maybe I really do behave that way but that's just me and I've been like this all my life. Judge me for my behavior below and maybe I need a fire engine.

I stroke the head of my male colleague in office. I talk rubbish with them. I treat everyone the same - coz I believe that if I'm nice to someone, they will be nice to me. So I treat the guys equally n whine jus like how I'll do to my family n friends.

I address Dilun as "Di Di" although he's now married to Jean. I call my sister endearingly on office phone as dear or darling. I'm sorry if people don't like it.

But like what my teacher used to tell me when I told him about people not liking the way I act or behave - You can't please the world. Just be yourself. True friends will stick by you and still like you as you are.

So thank you to the friends who told me to ignore what others think about me. I appreciate and am blessed to have u guys by my side.

To the person who now hates me and totally ignored me when I asked for clarification of what I did, thank u for letting me know. And congrats to u for finding someone new in your life. Wishing u happiness always.

Coz to me, friends are for life - I've lost many along the way. I like to treat everyone well from the bottom of my heart and care for them genuinely. I give hugs to guys openly just as I do to girls. So while I wish for happiness for everyone, I'll wish the same for you.

And I'll no longer dwell on this subject and be upset for the entire day anymore. Coz my name is magz and I've been thro hell and back. Nothing's gonna bring me down nor make me upset for long. Life's too short for that.

Til the next happy post - hopefully soon! :)


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