Stacy's House Visit and New Seat Move!

Was at Stacy's place last nite after work. I love her house!!! It's the kind of place that I've been wanting for myself. But, I don' t have the money to afford it. :(

Bee Ling was not feeling well so had to pull out from our gathering. Stacy cooked dinner for us and made Korean ginseng soup. Bingjie made macaroons and brought them over. As for me, I brought wine and chips. Hehehe. I have chef friends so I shall sponsor the drinks and snacks.

Our girlie talk ended at 1.30am. Sooo tired that I was dozing off as they were talking. Haha. :X Embarrassing. But we had fun and it was nice to visit Stacy's house especially to see Tatie, Stacy's fat male cat who went from being aloof to being on my lap half the nite. I'm not a big fan of cats actually. I'm a dog person but this cat behaves sooo much like a dog, I didn't feel that it was a cat at all!! LOL! Poor Tatie lost his sweet little partner 2 weeks ago from liver failure.. :( Let's hope we can find Mr Handsome a partner soon!

And I've finally changed seats in office! Was annoyed on Thursday by the tech guy but finally got it done. I LOVE my new seat!! LOVE!! It's at the corner so I have no one on my left and on my right is an empty table meant only for visitors or my backup when I'm on leave. Woooohooo!!! Not to mention the little ledge I have on my left where I can put my stuff so my table looks more spacious now!

The best part of the seat is... THE VIEW!!! I get to look and stare at the sky and sea while typing or doing my work. Otherwise, I can stare at the TV while doing my work. Lovely and absolutely fantastic!! I used 20 pieces of wet tissue cleaning up the entire table that was so dusty and dirty but I'm ultra satisfied now. I'll be more than happy to go to work now.

Here's a picture of my new desk being blessed by the lion at our opening ceremony before I even took over the desk. May everything go well and smooth for me from now on!


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