iPhone 4 replaced!

Had a horrible shock last nite.

Was out at Pump Room for Adeline's farewell and drinks. It was nice seeing all the ex-colleagues once again. And I discovered something about myself.. I miss clubbing not coz of the drinking, but coz I miss dancing! I haven't danced in a long long time prior to last nite and my craving for dancing is getting bigger and bigger. There's this incurable itch for dancing - be it any kind of dancing. :(

So I had my iPhone in my jeans pocket the whole time I was dancing. Ok, the jeans was kinda tight so obviously the phone will be pressing against my thighs. But it shouldn't cause the phone to die on me right?? Imagine my horror when the phone won't turn on, resetting it doesn't work and worse of all, even plugging the phone to the laptop into iTunes to restore it won't even work!

Spent the whole nite til almost 3am trying to resolve the issue to no avail! Slept and all the dreams I had was that my phone could work again. Woke up excitedly expecting my dreams to come true but I was just let down. Called M1, went down to Plaza Singapura to get it fixed.

Ate at Nandos, was served by this absolutely handsome trainee called Tony Liu at M1. Hehe. Made the nasty feeling of being without a phone much better. Guess I can't live without my hp now and most importantly, without my iPhone - apps and all. So this Mr Cute Tony gave me a new iPhone as replacement within 10 mins. Wooohoooo!!

And so, home I came to reinstall and backup the phone once again. Some new contact numbers were wiped out as I didn't sync my hp this week. :( I never did much to my phone ever before.. Normally I'll just download the apps on my phone but never sync-ed with my Mac, so... Oh well.. Certain things have to be learnt the hard way and I'm really learning it the hard way now.

But at least, I always feel that that's the way to learn. :) I'm sooooo glad that I've got a phone back to use now and best of all, a new one! PS: I've dropped my phone a few times now.. So I must treasure it now! :p


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