WWW - Wakeboarding & Wayne's Wedding

It's been quite an eventful weekend thus far - despite headaches in between from yesterday til today which had to be cured by Panadols on both days. My life seems to revolve medication now which doesn't seem too good but whatever.. I'm still enjoying my life as it is.

Friday was spent well - had my 1 drink as promised with Ben. Then met up with Bee for some shopping and catching up at Orchard. I still owe her a birthday pressie. After shopping, it was time for massage and it was soooo good, I fell asleep! Slept at 1am..

So when Saturday morning came, obviously I was in a foul mood for having to wake up at 6.30am. Blew a little tantrum but was quickly ok thereafter coz .. it was time for my 1st go at wakeboarding!!! Woohoo!!! It was enjoyable to watch everyone do it and be sooo good at it. I'm a beginner and quite a lousy one. Haha. I managed to stand up a few times but can't hold it there for long.

Thank goodness for great friends who went with me - Charmaine, Ben, Sid, Stef and Eeyore - but most importantly, it should be kudos to Jeremy who was very patient in teaching me, giving me advice and persuading me to do the last run. Coz the last round was the one where I was able to hold on and wakeboard for the longest time! :))))))

Soooo happy and excited to have my 1st ever wakeboard experience! Not sure if there's any photos (Sid, any pics?) coz I kept insisting not to take pics of me (coz I can't stand on the board). But still, yay!! I'm happy though I now suffer from muscle aches from my neck down to my feet. Every part of me is in pain - including my chest and head (from falling face 1st into the water many times)! So that's where the Panadol comes in.. To cure my headaches which I'm suffering from due to the wakeboarding falls. :p

Went for Wayne's wedding last nite. For my close friends esp Jean, they will know that Wayne is my ex-bf. We started dating for the 1st time when I was 15 - he was 1 of my 1st ex-bfs. We broke up and got together again when I was 18. We broke up again and got together again when I was 20. We broke up again. It's weird that after 3 times, we have never been together for more than a year (at 1 stretch).

We dated again in 2008, a few months after Howdy and I broke up. We never got together for the 4th time. I kept thinking to myself that if we didn't work out for 3 times prior to that, what makes us think we can do it for a 4th time? And while dating, I realised where the problem was so I decided not to even start the 4th time. And now, he is happily married. :)

Might seem weird to attend his wedding then? I dunno. I didn't feel too much emotions. Maybe coz I had a massive headache at the wedding and had to buy my most expensive Panadol from the hotel ever or maybe, to me, I knew it wasn't possible right from the start so there was nothing to be upset about, or maybe I've really gotten over him.

Anyway, when I 1st knew Wayne, it was with a group of friends - Wayne, Luke, Vic and Al. All 4 of us were close friends and I'm still close with all 4 of them, so are Vic and Al. But Wayne and Luke have fallen out so I never get to see all 4 of them together again. Last nite, Vic and I were the only ones there and I'm glad for his company the whole nite. My gentlemanly friend was ever so caring and sweet to me. I know I'll always treasure our friendship coz it's been 14 years and counting.

And so, I'm posting up the pic of my dear friend Vic, who was there with me in every way and we were the only ones who knew each other last nite. :)

What saddened me was when we went to shake the hands of the newly weds and their parents last nite, Wayne's parents remembered me.. So did his siblings. His younger sis has always adored me and she told her mum that I was at the wedding. Auntie shook my hand and held my hand very tightly. Kept saying that I still looked pretty and if I'm married. She even thought Vic was my bf!! Haha. We talked a bit about the past and she teared.. It was sad to see Auntie being unhappy.

I know that she treats me like her own daughter. All 3 times with Wayne, Auntie has been really nice and wonderful to me. Breaks my heart to see her upset. Maybe she really wanted me to be her daughter-in-law but I'm sorry things never worked out that way between Wayne and I. I promised to be in touch with her and to meet up with her - even if Wayne and I didn't work out, I'm sure I can still be friends with Auntie. She has been good to me all along - I should reciprocate and care for her like my own mum - even though I'm not married to her son. I think that's the least I can do and of coz, I wish her happiness always! Can't wait to meet up with her and re-continue our friendship.

And lastly, a crazy picture of my feet! 1st time I ever use such a bright red colour on my toes. Just for the fun of it anyway - easy to paint the colour on and it's so bright and red that it perks me up. :D Haha.


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