
A crazy week went past yet again. Had sooo many brekkies and dinners that I think I put on weight too fast! :D Dearest Stephen bro bought me brekkie for the whole week! Feel blessed and thankful!

07 June 2011 (Tues) - Dinner at Hotel 1921, Restaurant Ember. Located at Chinatown, I have never imagined myself eating in the restaurant of this boutique hotel. It was a client meeting (not my client of coz). I was nervy and unsure when I went as I've never met this guy before and I had no idea what to expect. But having been to so many broker dinners now, I knew I had to open up and chat so I went with an open mind. Verdict: food was excellent, service was great, but what really swept me off my feet were the 3 bottles of vintage wines that the client brought along. 1982 Chateau Lynch Bages (1 of the best years for wine, not to mention.. my year of birth!) & the 1990 burgundy - magnificent!

08 June 2011 (Wed) - Broker dinner at Orchard Parade Hotel, Akanoya after a lunch of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall at a food court. Stepping into Akanoya, I thought I had reached Japan. Everything about it just had this Japanese flavor to it! An eye-opener for me! Most memorable event of the nite: when I took on the challenge from my broker to down half a pint of Sake in 1 shot. Everyone in the restaurant was shocked and there was a 3 second silence as I did it. My brokers and traders were dying to see if I would puke or get high but all went home disappointed. Disappointment struck them again when I appeared at work on time and was perfectly fine for the whole day. But the story spread like wildfire - even my boss who came back from leave the following week heard about it. :p

09 June 2011 (Thurs) - Dinner at Orchard Mandarin, Triple 3 with Ky, Jac & Peg. Buffet dinner that was very expensive and definitely not worth it. Plus the lousy service, thanks but no thanks. I'm definitely not going back there again. Nothing matters more than the companionship of my family. :)

Weekend was spent in KL with some tennis and a massage. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's client dinner again. I suggested the place this time - Hachi! The place where KW brought Kelv and I to have our bday dinner. :D My mouth is watering at the thought of the dessert wine that the client will be bringing this time!! Can't wait!!

Neither can I wait to down the 24 bottles of Apple Cider Beer that I ordered and was delivered to my house yesterday!!! Wooott!! But before that, I shall hang up my laundry now, pack my room a little (trying to make my entire house really nice to suit the new furniture - dining & living room area looks really nice now!!) and to have some of the yummy chocolate coated orange biscuits from London!!! :D It's all food, food and more food!!!!


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