Just An Update..

Didn't realise that it's been a month since I last blogged. Time flies..

I've been rather healthy recently I must say. Finally playing my beloved tennis once again and it's been 2 weeks since I last played. Itching and craving for it!!! Been jogging as well and building up the stamina. I enjoy the time alone when jogging. I try not to think about anything other than the route I'm gonna jog and the journey home. Hopefully by sweating out the toxins, my skin can get better too! :)

Hmm.. What else have I been up to? Can't really remember other than spending quite a bit of time with my besties. :p My bunch of fun and crazy girlfriends whom I love and treasure dearly!

Other than that, I've been meeting up with some old friends too. Met up with Abel last Thurs. Carissa, Christine & Agnes last Mon. Bee on last Tues. Prior to that, it was a lot of packing of the house and of coz, changing the furniture!!

New sofa and dining table arrived. I'm pleased to see them and have them at home now! Feels more like a home sometimes. I actually do spend time on my sofa and dining table now, rather than them being jus part of the house which I barely use or touch. Hoping to renovate soon but $$ is an issue sometimes. Oh well, will do bit by bit I guess. For now it'll be more towards maintaining the house. :)


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