Merry Xmas 2007!

Today is a day of mixed feelings. People close to me should know why, but I've said before.. Life has to move on.

Anyway, office was like a dead town today. So empty and quiet. Hardly any gift exchanges at all. This office is getting 'colder' and 'colder' as each day goes. Didn't have half day as there were some glitches at work but I managed to leave earlier than the normal 7pm. :)

Went to hospital to visit Dad and discovered that he had done his op. Nobody informed us! Sighz.. When I reached, Dad had only been out of the operating theater for an hour or so hence he was still sedated and drowsy. His blood is not clotting that well coz I could see the blood oozing out from his wound. Hurts me to see him like that but I know this is something he has to go thro in order to recover. Nurse told me not to stay around coz Dad won't be awake so soon. Left for dinner at aunt's place.

Was at Aunt's place the whole night. Just reached home only. Very very tired. Didn't sleep well at all last nite and I think I might be coming down with flu soon. Not good. Gonna rest more tonite. Pressies that my family gave me were what I wanted!! Everything! So happy!! :p Thanks guys!!

Some thoughts that I've always felt with regards to a relationship. Or rather, what I want in a relationship. I will emphasize on the point that I am who I am. Do NOT ask me to change coz it will only put me off. If u like me, then accept me the way I am. I don't see why I must change my character for anybody. Be it whether I am gentle or tomboy-ish. I'm not super ladylike and this has been me since the day I was born. Take it or leave it.

I am someone who likes to show my affection, especially if I like the person and if it can be developed further. I wish for my bf to hold my hand in public and not just leave me there. Don't come to me when you are drunk coz I am NOT the kind of person you are looking for, especially not when you are drunk. I hate it when men shows their egos and start wanting to show their prowess when they are drunk. Do NOT gimme your attitude when high/drunk coz I will show you mine as well.

There has been someone after me who has been making me a happy gal recently. I'm not sure how it will develop but all I want is to be happy. I hinted to my family today and they asked me why I didn't ask him over for dinner. I said that they won't like this guy coz of his outlook. But like what they told me today, their opinion does not matter. Looks and height does not matter (Although height does matter to me quite a bit.. At least he must be same height as me when I'm not wearing heels). What matters most is that he must love me, cherish me and care for me. He must not be a gambler, a womanizer and definitely not someone who will beat me up in future after drinking. He can look like a gangster (but is not one) but must treat me well. That's what I ask for as well. He must be able to love me for who I am, no matter what my character is like.

My cousin told me not to go for anyone just to fill the void in my heart in both the places of my dad and to find a man. I will not. I will not just go for anyone, but for the someone who is worthy of my love. :)


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