At this hour..

I think I must be crazy to be blogging at this hour. Haven't been able to sleep well the whole nite. Went to bed at 8.30pm after taking my medicine (24 hour clinic on a public holiday is expensive! $48 for consultation and $37 for medication!). Just as I was about to sleep, my bro-in-law called, followed by my grand aunt from Hong Kong, an sms from Evans, and another call from my sis!!! My god!! That tortured me til 10+ before I ws freed from all the calls and sms-es. Oh, come to think of it, not yet.. There were 2 delayed sms-es from Xmas Eve coming in at 11+ pm! Stupid mobile servers.

Tried to sleep but I've been waking up every half hour.. AGAIN!! Not sure why and I had already turned on the aircon to sleep for the 1st time in years. But yet, I couldn't sleep well. Thought I was better already but I took my temperature just now and it's 38.9 degrees!! AGAIN!! Similar like when I had HFMD. Omigod!! Now I'm really scared. Doc said there might be a chance for me to catch it again and I was like, NO!!! I don't want to!!! That torturous ordeal was sooooo difficult to get past and I don't wanna experience it ever again!! Sighz..

So what now? Sighz.. I think I might need to head to office to work later (though I'm on 2 days MC) as we are seriously shorthanded. With me away, there's only 1 maker to cover all 5 of us.. My mentor will be so dead. Hopefully I don't spread the fever to anyone in office and I'm definitely bringing my thermometer along with me. Having this perpetual headache ever since I had fever this morning. Sucky feeling.

Think I'm gonna wash up, drink some milk, take my medication again and try to sleep again. Hopefully I do better this time. Oh ya, I've got a few new 'toys' for Xmas this year. A new hair straightener to replace my old spoiling one and a Nintendo DS Lite! And 2 very beautiful and sweet handmade Xmas cards. The Nintendo is actually to keep me company on the long journey to the hospital daily to visit my dad. Cool! :p

Anyway, wanna thank Matt for the Xmas cum get well msg from US and to Felix as well. K.. Think the fever's getting worse. I should take medicine now...


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