Dad's awake!

Wanted to update yesterday but only reached home at 2am. Had dinner with Howdy last nite. Wasn't feeling too good coz I think I had indigestion.. AGAIN! Wonder what's wrong with me. I know I ain't feeling that well recently. Been having heart palpitations for 2 days now and my ears can be blocked suddenly for no reason. Think it's just some minor problem coz I've had such symptoms before but was nothing serious. Getting accustomed. :)

Anyway, back to last nite. Went to visit Dad at hospital but Dad was sleeping so.. Howdy found out that I wasn't well during dinner and insisted that I get gastric pills but I felt better after we walked around a bit so I refused to buy. We went to K-Box at Toa Payoh for karaoke coz he wanted to de-stress and drink as well.

I think this is my 1st time that 2 people are going to KTV. Haha. The aircon was sooooo strong and both of us nearly froze! 1st time I went singing with him and I must say that he sings quite well. :) He was the one entertaining me the whole nite instead of the other way around. I seriously must thank him for being there for me throughout this period. Much as he 'suans' me and bullies me quite a bit, he has been making me laugh a lot too. :p

Have been sleeping only 5 hours a day regardless what time I sleep. Body clock seems a bit screwed. ARGH! I need sleep! Woke up at 7.30am this morning to go pray to gramp. Told gramp to bless Dad to recover soon. Then Uncle Charles wanted to have breakfast and we had to wait for half an hour for the food! The yong tau foo stall was featured in Makan Sutra recently (as I was informed by my family) and they wanted to try it out. Nothing fantastic at all! Duhz.

Visit gram and was chided by Aunt Mic coz all of us were late as we all went for breakfast. Sighz... Gram looked so happy to see us all. I was happy too! I like seeing gram happy! :) But she looked so sad to see us leave.. :( I didn't wanna go, but... Proceeded to Aunt Mic's place for lunch. Was sooo full that I could barely eat. Ate a bit, drank 2 glasses of the sparkling champagne that Ann & I brought back from Aussie land and had 2 bowls of soup. Been having quite a bit of soup recently (thanx to Howdy for loving to drink soup as well and to Khim for bringing me to places where I can get soup) and hence, pimples on my face are finally getting better. Yay!!!

Went to hospital to visit Dad and guess what!!! Dad opened his eyes!!! I'm sooooo happy!!! But Dad cried.. :_( We had to keep telling him not to cry and to be strong. Told him he is on the road to recovery and that he needs to stay strong to recover fast. Dad responded by nodding and shaking his head as well!! I asked him if he is a clever and handsome guy and he nodded his head. I asked him if I was a smart and pretty gal and he shook his head. Then I asked him if he is bullying me and he nodded his head. Hahahaha. :) Gramp must have heard my prayers this morning!! :D

Khim picked me up from shopping centre near hospital after that (while waiting for him to reach, I bought another Andy Lau cd!!) and we rushed back to my place to pick up my jacket. Then rushed to OUB Centre to change his SCV cable box. Rushed to watch "National Treasures" after that. Interesting show.

Rushed to hospital again to see Dad. Dad cried the moment I called him. Sighz.. Told him not to cry and not to be angry with himself or agitated. Told him to stay strong and he'll recover. I know Dad is stubborn (like me) and that his ego can be quite strong coz he turned away and refused to face me. Sighz... Promised to bring him to Bangkok when he recovers and he nodded his head.

Asked him if nurse said he was overweight and he nodded his head. Asked him if he'll go on diet and he nodded his head again. Asked him if he will quit smoking after this and he also nodded his head. Dad's finally learning to listen to what we tell him, after a very tough lesson. But I'm glad that at least he is learning. ^_^ Had to fight back my tears while I see Dad cry. Knowing how easy my tears can fall, it was a very difficult thing to do and I sobbed silently. Sighz.. But at least I feel better and am much happier to see Dad recovering after 1o days. :)

Just opened my letter box and trust me, being the master (mistress in my case) of the household is not easy. Definitely much harder when you have to pay your dad's bills as well. I need to pay property tax and tv license bills, Dad's mobile phone bill, the power supply bill, my credit card bills, wireless broadband bill and my own mobile phone bill. I am so gonna die.. Sighz... Can the sky drop money? Haha.

HK trip in Feb might be cancelled for me.. Coz both sis and I can't go together as there will be no one to look after Dad. So if Sis wanna go with hubby together with my aunts and cousins, then I'll stay behind. I can always go another time with my friends so it's not an issue for me. Up to her to decide for now.

Posted a song that when I cried when I 1st saw the MTV. Hope you guys like it too!


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