
Went to a club at Clarke Quay last nite called Rumour with the regulars from Instinct. The club is kinda like Dragonfly but the music is not as good, the live band and singers were also not that good. The lead singer who is supposedly the most handsome has got a whiney voice when he sings. Shudders.. Think I still prefer DF anytime, any day. Reached home at 6 and slept at 6.30am.. Tiring..

I have been pubbing and clubbing 6 nites in a row.. Think I need to cut down and relax a bit. But, drinking is a form of relaxation coz I get to talk to friends and enjoy. :p Had a chat with Mingjie (another regular at Instinct) last nite. He truly impressed me by wooing the same girl for 7 years! He knew her 10 years ago, got together for 3 years, broke up and tried wooing her back for 7 years. It's truly fascinating. I'm amazed and at the same time, envious. No guy have ever wooed me for so long.. All just want me to be their gf within days or weeks. Any longer, they give up or pressure me further. Sighz..

Sleepy.. But afraid that if I sleep now, I won't be able to sleep tonite. Wanna go out, but a bit lazy and I'm waiting for my dinner to be home. Argh! Dilemma...


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