
Been meaning to blog but have been so tied up with everything.. Packing my luggage, etc etc. Feeling so sleepy now so gonna make this post a quick one coz I promised to help Matt with his blog as well.

Went to Adam Road for prawn noodle with Bee and Felix on Monday nite. While queueing up to buy, I noticed that the guy helping out at the prawn noodle stall looked familiar. Thought of asking him if he was the waiter at DF but he beat me to it. Haha. Yes, he is the same person! I happened to have asked for his age last Thurs when I was at DF and he could recognise me. :) Such a coincidence!

Had dinner with Rachel and Felix last nite at the market opposite my house. Both Bee and Rachel have fallen sick. Poor Rachel.. She wanted to eat dinner together but yet was so sick to eat. Sighz.. Felt bad that she had to make herself join us though she was unwell. Glad she's better now. Been some time since I last had dinner with her. Nowadays, it's Bee, Felix and I. At times, Yaya aka Ting will join us. These dinner gatherings will be lesser in future. Sighz.. But Rach and I have decided to do dinner more often either outside or at her place. Else, I'll have to drag Khim out for dinner. Hahaha.

Had salsa tonite. Didn't do well. Super off form today. Wasn't in the mood to begin with plus the fact that I'm way too tired.. Sighz.. Haven't been getting enough sleep and the weather is just so fantastic to snooze forever. I'm such an idiot for not making full use of it. Haha. Was sort of criticised by Ricky a lot but I simply couldn't bring myself to that same level of energy as last week. :( Must work harder when I'm back. Will practise more often even if it's by myself.

Had 2nd dinner with Shon last nite actually. He bought a new car and picked me up. Went for drinks and pool after that. All his fault for wanting to finish his bottle of Jack Daniels, causing me to be so tired today. :D I'm so evil.. Putting the blame on others.

Adrian's back in Singapore. Not sure for long but I don't think we'll have a chance to meet up, as per usual. Nothing new to me anymore. He's always too busy. Give up on hoping to meet up.

K.. I better end here. Gonna look at the blogskins that Matt has found and help him decide. Then I'm gonna help him make his blog into a nice looking one. :) 2 years plus since I did mine to look like this. Took me 1 whole Sunday to fix it up. Hopefully I am still as good as that time. Haha. I just re-did the music on my blog anyway. A song that I'm currently pretty much into now.. "Illegal". Another 2 songs that I like but so far only have 1 - "Mr Lonely".. Still trying to look for the other song which is actually an old song.. "Dying inside to hold you". Thinking of putting something like a media player or jukebox in my blog. Will check it out and do it up when I have time.

Speaking of which, I have yet to put up and label my pics from my HK, Shanghai and Egypt trip.. All which I took this year! SHUCKS! I'm such a slacker.. I need more time!!! Sighz.. :(


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