Dad in ICU

Yes, I'm back in Singapore after being in Sydney for 3 days, way before scheduled. Wish there can be less drama in my life sometimes. Received a call from my aunt telling me that my dad has been hospitalised in ICU and all I could do was cry in Sydney. Yes, I cried there and then right smack in the middle of the shopping mall. Called the airlines to change my flight to the earliest possible and all they could tell me was that there were no available seats on any of the flights other than the one I booked.

Never felt more helpless in my life before. Thank God for an aunt working in the airline company who managed to squeeze me in for a flight back to Singapore today. Reached Singapore at 6pm and went to the hospital immediately. Cried upon seeing my dad and I still can't control my tears now. Much as I always scold him or quarrel with him, I don't like to see him like that now.

My dad is still in ICU. He has a stroke due to bleeding in the brain. Cause of bleeding is still unknown but could be due to high blood pressure. After being admitted, he had further bleeding. He's now in some sort of a coma where I think he can hear me calling him coz he became very agitated but couldn't open his eyes. He keep moving his right arm and leg but I can't seem to see any movement on the left side. Doc will be operating on him to put something at his throat to aid his breathing coz they can't depend on the ventilating tube. That is, provided his condition is stable.

All I can do now is to hope and pray that he recovers soon. And I know I need to stop crying. This happened to gramp before though I was too young to totally remember. Hope dad will be strong like gramp and can recover fast. Dunno how to face gram now.. I didn't take care of her most beloved son. Sighz.. Think I'll only visit gram when dad's ok. Hope that gramp and mummy will bless and look after dad from up above.

K.. I should stop crying and go do my laundry and stuff and sleep early. Haven't slept much for the last 2 days since I found out about dad. Look like a ghost right now. Yearning for company now but don't think much people will care anyways. I've got to learn to be more independent and strong than ever before. I will make sure I do that. And I haven't eaten since hours ago. I need to eat and get rest. I need to take care of myself before I can take care of anything else. I will be strong.


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