Airport.. To Sydney..

Standing at the PC terminals before going to the boarding gates for my flight to Sydney.. Thought of blogging.. As usual.

Flight should be leaving in less than an hour. Realised I forgot to bring both my caps, 1 side of my earring is either lost or I forgot to wear it. I'm not sure where that side of my earring is. Hopefully it's at home. Sighz.. If I really dropped it, then it'll be the 2nd time that I drop my earring at an airport. ARGH!

Khim came to have breakfast with me though he reached home at 3+am this morning after going to DF. Sweet! Hehe. I ate a tiramisu cake but couldn't finish my coffee. Haha. Cya when I'm back!

Saw Adrian online last nite. As expected, we didn't have a chance to meet up before I leave Singapore. He told me last nite that he will be based in Singapore more so we can meet up more often. We'll see.

Dad hinted about having a credit card.. Told him I'll apply a supplementary card for him when I'm back but warned him against signing too much n that he has to pay his own bills. Hehe. I know he has always wanted a credit card. Treat it as a Xmas gift to my dad. :p

K.. I better go to my boarding gate and catch my forty winks! I'm so sleepy!!!! I need my 12 hour sleep!!!


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