Friday (21 Dec)

Reached office and saw a mail from Adrian, sent to me on Thurs. Saw his blog post this morning as well. All I can say is, thanx! I read ur blog too. :) Hope u r doing ok.

Had a very very very busy day. Busy til I totally blocked out everything and just worked non-stop except for a half-hour lunch. Sighz.. Had to control my bladder too! Didn't go toilet from 12pm-7pm. Was that bad. Had to cover 2 other colleagues who were on leave and I had to 2 days worth of work due to the holiday on Thurs. Was in such a state til Edmund gor got worried and kept telling me to relax. By the time I ended work, it was almost 9pm and was way too late to rush to hospital to visit Dad as the nurses don't open the door for us to go in. Sighz...

Met Howdy in town as he wanted to buy Xmas gift. Went to Taka basement for dinner. An exciting thing happened while we were there.. A mouse/rat was caught in the trap and jumping around! Several girls were shouting "Ratatouille" and I was still stoning til the commotion got bigger. The rat was just behind me!! Scary!!!
Howdy bought 2 boxes of Royce chocolates for me for Xmas! So sweet!! :) Thanks! Taka was almost closing when we left at 10.15pm and we were so afraid that Plaza Singapura would be closed by the time we reached there. Luckily the shop that we wanted to go to was still open. Managed to get the presents that he needed. :)
Didn't know what to do after that so we went to the cinema to take a look. Bought tix for "The Golden Compass" coz I've been wanting to watch the show. Hehe. Reached home at 2+am. So tired...
Saturday (22 dec)
Body clock having some problems. Woke up at 7.30am today. Been sleeping only 4-5 hours a day and I will wake up naturally. Not sure why. Sighz.. It's making me super tired. Sucks.
Visited Dad in the afternoon but he was fast asleep. Nurses and docs were all busy. Went for salsa practice and Ricky, my salsa instructor, want us to perform on stage for our D&D. He was very keen on the idea after I told him that my boss asked us to decide if we wanna take part. Seems like it's gonna be lots of practice and training for the next 3 weeks to make it in time for the performance. Stressful!!
Sent Cheryl back and Chris, Felix & I went for breakfast/lunch/tea. Came back to Toa Payoh to eat as I was meeting Khim to buy groceries. Went to NTUC after that and headed back to my place to put down the stuff. Visited Dad and he opened his eyes a few times which was good. He also responded by nodding and shaking his head. But Dad kept crying. Sighz.. I know what he is thinking. He doesn't want us or his friends to see him like that. It's an ego problem. Dad has got to learn to let it go.
Had prawn noodles at Lavender area then headed to Bugis to buy stuff at Watson's. Had dessert at Liang Seah St coz I insisted on having dumplings (tang yuan) as today (Saturday) is 冬至. It's a very big event in Cantonese calendar and dumplings is a must. :D Still remember how my family used to celebrate this day... I miss those days.
Proceeded to Prinsep St for some foorball action and to have beer. :p Enjoyed it!
K.. Need to sleep and get more rest. Gonna head to office earlier than usual on Monday and it's gonna be another hectic day. This coming week will be very hectic as we are still shorthanded. Need as much rest as possible. :p


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