
didn't get the full time job at dbs in the end due to some dumb policy that states that siblings can't work in the same department of a company. but hey, come on, the dumb department is so freaking huge. well, anyway.. i don't care anymore. at most i'll have to look for another job though that might not be an easy task. boring...

diana's considering if she should continue to work as temp in the same level but under someone else or should she convert to perm or if she should leave. of coz i wish that she'll stay!!! diana, i know u'll read this so stay!!!!!!!!!! haha. :P but i can't force u. the choice n decision is urs. will really miss u if u leave though. ur friendship has been priceless!!! so has melissa who will be leaving this friday!!! sighz... this is so sad... :( n also boon leong... leaving next fri. y r u guys leaving me???? sobz...

hmmz.. my aunt just called. told me to send my uncle my resume for him to broadcast it out. haha. c... there's hope everywhere~! hehe. hopefully i don't disgrace my uncle though. anyway, my boss, soo leng, is also helping me to look for jobs in the bank n she's been asking people in other departments to help me find n to look out for me if i work in their department! i feel so lucky n blessed. hehe. :) so arrogant... haha.

this friday is my sis's bday. not sure what to buy for her. how??? help!!!!!

might b selling my current place n moving to a 3 room flat instead. but must make sure that the new place has got 2 toilets though. i'll NEVER EVER share a toilet with my dad!!!!! not over my dead body.

something gross happened today. while i was closing the window to go to work, i noticed something stuck at my window ledge. thought it was a rose petal that was fading in colour but decided against using my hands to pick it up to throw away. thank god!!! coz the supposed rose petal was sticky n it wasn't a rose petal!!! it looked like a piece of skin from the heel of a foot with blood on it which explains y it was red! it was so gross!!!!!!! luckily i used my key to push it out. but i didn't decide. called my dad to do it when he returns home from work. hope he remembers. don't think i was hallucinating. kinda creepy.. considering the lunar month it is right now... eewww...


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