Ironic - Packing my room

I know I haven't been in the best of moods recently. And the person to bear the brunt of all my anger was Felix. I must apologise for my sudden outburst of anger. I know you care for me. Just that sometimes I flare up too easily. I'm sorry...

Spent the whole day packing Dad's room followed by my own room. Dad's room is more or less done except for some stuff that needs to be put in my room. For that to be done, I need to pack my room. My room is so cluttered with stuff right now, esp since I've brought the TV to my room. The way I arranged the furniture in my room initially is to make it look spacious, but now.. It looks so packed. No choice I guess. But with the TV in my room, you can be sure that I'm hardly out of my room now. Think I'll buy myself a mini kettle and put in my room. Then my room will be even more ideal. :p

I have finally managed to pack my wardrobe as well. Yes, at long last, I can see my wardrobe again and I'm not worried about clothes toppling over everytime I open the doors to my wardrobe. But, it looks so bare now that I think.. I need more clothes!!! Haha.

My room looks slightly neater too.. But still have loads to clear. Think I'll be spending most of my free time (if I never go out) to pack my room. Desperately need to get everything done since I've already started. Don't wanna waste my effort. The irony in life is how Dad used to keep telling me to pack my room and my wardrobe but I never got around to doing it. Now, he's not here to see and I've done a pretty good job. Sighz...

Anyway, visited Dad earlier. He's still pretty much the same, conscious yet unable to open his eyes. Dad's friend sms-ed him last nite and it was a lady I know too. Told her that Dad is in hospital and she went to visit him today. :p Someone passed away in the ICU when I was there. It was not a good moment. I felt sad for them too. Sighz..

Thanx to Khim for making his way down to the hospital to pick me up and have dinner with me. :)

Waiting for the laundry to be done and I can go sleep. So tired.. Khim said I look tired during dinner. I am tired.. In every aspect. Haven't had a good night's rest ever since I knew Dad was hospitalised. Been waking up in the middle of the night everyday. Hope I don't collapse due to lack of rest. But don't think I will. Been thro' worse times if I recall correctly. K.. Time for me to go finish packing my room for now and hang up the laundry and go zzz. Nitez all!


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