Keeping me sane..

This post is to thank 2 very important people who kept me sane on a very boring Saturday.

Woke up this morning to pray with Ann, Aunt Mic, Ky and Uncle Charles. If praying can help my dad, I'll pray more. I'll do whatever it takes to get Dad back on the road of recovery.

1st person I must thank today - Alex aka "Xiu Xiu". This JC friend of mine has been extremely encouraging in a lot of ways. He even told another JC friend (CK) to meet up with me today! He puts me in place with the things he say. We have no worries about being direct with each other and simply speaking our minds to each other. I know I have to be less bitter and cynical about life and the people around me. I know I have to let go of such feelings in order to be a better person. I know I should not dwell on the things that people have let me down on. I will let go.. Slowly but surely.

Thanx for spending the afternoon with me, fixing my laptop and teaching me so much about my laptop. Most importantly, thanx for stopping me from scratching myself. For your info, I have cut my nails. :) So no worries about me scratching myself til I bleed. Thanx for the friendship and for your care! :p

2nd person I must thank today but who doesn't have my blog add - Howdy. A guy I got to know while playing pool in school during Uni Year 1 days. Our friendship started thro pool.. Can't remember how we exchanged numbers and got to know each other but somehow, I'm glad we did. He was there for me when I had hand, foot and mouth disease.. By buying dinner for me and when I said it wasn't enough to fill my tummy, he went out to buy more and came to my house a 2nd time. That was a touching moment.

Ever since he knew my dad has been hospitalised, he has been encouraging me daily via sms and msn. Knowing that I would be bored without my daily dosage of Hong Kong drama coz my dad is the one who rents it, he rushed to my place to pass me the discs that he just bought and even made sure that it could work properly before leaving. He even checked if I locked my gate. I know I'm blur.. :p

It's the little things that count and made me realise that there are friends out there who truly care about me. I will be strong so as not to let them down. I shall not dwell on the saddening truths of life but to stay optimistic and be happy with what I have, ie the close and true friends that I have. Without them, I dunno how I'm gonna go on or even move on.

An extra thank u to Keith papa who initially didn't know why I was sad yet send me a smiley face msn everyday without fail, just to cheer me up. Also to Meng, thanx for asking me daily if I have eaten and if I have been resting well despite the fact that he is still sick and in a faraway land. Also to Bee, who have messaged me almost everyday asking if I'm ok and if my dad is better. A special thank u to Shirley who messaged me from Sydney every day asking about my dad and myself. I truly appreciate it esp when she's so far away and the fact that we are only colleagues.

I should consider myself to be blessed.. With all the close friends I have around me, I don't need to worry or be sad coz I know I can count on them to be there for me in times of happiness and sadness. It's also thro such friends that I know I don't need to have a bf or guys who claim they love me to be by my side. Nothing beats having good friends. :)

K.. I shall end here. Keith papa is chasing me to sleep. :D See, the concern.. Hehe. Thanx papa!


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