
Showing posts from 2010

Lasik - Yes or No?

Last nite (or rather early this morning) while sending Ann home, we had a talk in the car. She was advising me to go for lasik. For many a times now, I've been hesitant and unwilling to try. I've seen friends who end up having to wear specs at night or being unable to see clearly when there's a lot of lights. With my pathetic eyesight, I'm not sure what the final outcome will be and if it'll end up well. I don't wanna end up having to still wear specs. But what I'm most dreading is the fact that I'll have to wear specs for a couple of months before I can go for the review and the actual op. I've always been vain in the fact that I think I look really ugly with specs. Not really say ugly but my eyesight is so bad that I know people can always tell by the "rings" in my glasses. I really hate it when people look at me and go "wah.. your eyesight is quite bad hor?" or "wah.. ur glasses are so thick". Sigh.. For the sake of b

2010 Review Part 2 & Merry Xmas!

Forgot to mention in the previous post that this year, another wonderful thing that happened is the occasional gathering with Shi Han, Lisa and Sylvia. Our drinking sessions are always filled with crap but a lot of laughter. :) Today is kinda boring at work. Had diarrhoea almost the whole day which sucked. Much as December is my favourite month of the year, I always somehow end up sick either on Xmas or my bday. Sigh.. Praying hard that I can recover within the next 4 days! Jus taken my medicine . Think the effect is hitting me fast. Eyes are tired but tummy is churning yet again. I better enjoy my beauty sleep soon. Nite nitez all and Merry Xmas!!! :)

2010 Review

It's nearing the end of the year again and honestly, this year has flown by so quickly that I can bearly recall what happened throughout the year. I know it's only the 23rd of December but I've got dinner plans everyday from 25th onwards til the end of the year, hence the early review of this year. My bet is that I'll write about some of the other stuff that will happen next week after the review. :) Anyway, so here's my brief review from what my limited memory. 1st 4 months of the year were pure torture to me. Biased managers and superiors meant I did not get the promotion that I well deserve. Irritating manager also meant that I was extremely unhappy at work. Waiting for my interview anxiously kept me going strong and gave me the will to get thro the most unhappy months of the year. No words can ever describe the joy when I was told to go for the 2nd interview and when HR contacted me to sign the contract. Those were the most incredible and memorable moments of th

Penang 12-14 Dec 2010

After being sick for a whole week, I'm down with fever again today! WTF!! Sigh.. Not sure what happened again but this time round, I decided to give the doctor a visit. While sleeping at home, drilling works was going on from goodness knows where n I couldn't sleep again. :( I hate being sick, esp when it's so near Xmas season. Grateful that Irene helped me to buy lunch and my team for allowing me to leave much earlier than I wanted. Couldn't stand being in office after taking my medicine as my eyes were on the verge of closing. Quite a few people have asked me what I'll be doing for my bday. 10 days time.. I have no idea what I'll be doing other than heading back to work. I don't mind working on my bday anymore. 5 years of such life, I'm actually used to it. Different groups of friends are asking me out for dinner to celebrate my bday. Been telling them there's no need to celebrate. Haha. Oh, mus thank my beloved group of bellas for planning a surpr

Supportive Colleagues Rock!

In the devil may care attitude these days. Give no shit to what others think nor really wanna care either. The office year end party has come and gone (09 dec). Woke up at 5am jus to doll up and prepare for the party. I'm real glad that I went instead of the occasional "I don't feel like going" thoughts that kept coming to my mind. Had tonnes of fun, drinks and laughter. Stuck with my team the whole time and they actually told me a lot of things. :) Even the opinion of my makeup and the whole outfit, esp the knee length boots effect on the whole trading floor - guys & gals. Hahaha. My mentor said I drank like a goldfish that nite. Probably smoked like a chimney too. Danced my ass off. The rubber sole on my left foot came off while I was running around Hard Rock playing the featured game. Hopefully my boots can still be repaired! I love that pair of boots! Before the party started, I had a chat with 1 of my trader. Over drinks and some ciggies, he told me about fro

My Fave Month - December!

December is and will always be my favourite month of the year coz it's quiet, there's Xmas and there's my bday! Hehe. I love Decembers! But then, this December, people have managed to piss me off at work a couple of times. 1st was a really rude HK bitch who kept hanging up on me when I wasn't even looking for her and I called the direct line of the guy I was looking for. Stupid dumbass woman! 2nd time was today. Some issues at work. A simple problem became so tedious and complicated all coz my idiotic and egoistic ex-manager refuse to listen to my dealer and I and insisting on his way. I thought about it for 3 hours and still felt it was wrong. Went to my dealer again and she went to her mentor for her help. Proved that we were correct and dumb ex-manager was wrong. My dealer's mentor called up my ex-manager and told him the correct procedure n that we were initially correct to begin with. Ex-manager kept trying to rebutt but the mentor refused to even let him utte

Office Idols

Walking home in the relentless rain, what's the point of walking under shelters when my feet were still soaked? Being sick in this weather jus sucks but Ben managed to make me stay positive. Hmm.. Gotta stop complaining about me being sick. Makes me feel like I'm such an attention seeker. But then again, while I was in office this afternoon, I had chest pains that were so bad til every move I made jus hurts my chest and my heart was beating at an extra fast pace. Body gone mad and crazy though I think it's more caused by sudden stress at work and the endless coughing. Oh well, at least I'm ok after taking a breather to the ladies and to the pantry. :) The person whom I am wondering if he's colleague or friend, let's jus call him Mr Z coz I don't wanna expose his identity. Mr Z is making me confused - he didn't comment much on the thing I did. I dunno his thoughts. I thought I'll play it cool at work yesterday but he was so warm to me that I was at a

Friends or Colleagues?

Recovering slowly but surely. Finally. Nose dropping off from all the blowing. I might have done something that I shouldn't regarding work. Not feeling good about what I did. Better to treat colleagues as colleagues instead of as friends. U never know who's going to betray u or what political games others are playing. Too late for regrets now but I've learnt my mistake and I'll make sure I learn it well. Mindset's gotta change and I've gotta stop being so naive. Grandma's discharged today. Phew.. Jus left with a red patch on her face but at least the swelling's gone down. All's good for now and I'm thankful for that. Met up with Josh and Belinda, Roy and Sheila, Leo and Lisa for Josh's bday drinks. Yes, I was still having my damned flu when I went to meet them. Was at Alley Bar and made to drink 2 pints despite the flu and popping Panadol in the afternoon after lunch. Oh well.. They tried making Lisa smoke so I took the ciggie on her behalf.

Sick + Gram in Hospital = BAD

After popping pills, I'm still not fully recovered. In fact, it got worse in the afternoon today. Gosh.. What is wrong with me?? And I hate the fact that I'm sick at the wrong time. I had to postpone drinks sessions and what made it worse is that.. Gram was rushed to A&E this evening. Right when I stepped out of office and was at the MRT station all ready to go for drinks when Aunt Marg called. Gram had a huge patch of rash on her face that was all red and swollen. It was spreading rapidly and she had a fever as well. Drinks plan had to be shoved aside as I rushed to the hospital. Sorry babes and guy! Waited for the ambulance to send Gram to hospital and finally saw how Gram was doing. I knew the patch was painful and hot. Poor Gram had to go thro all that... She was put on drip, given an injection of antibiotics for her fever and had a huge tube of blood taken from her to run tests to see what was causing the rash. She was screaming and shouting in pain the whole time. How

Busy & Sick

On my busiest day in this job thus far, I worked 12 hours while being sick. Popping panadols to cure the flu and the fever that came along with it in order to concentrate at work while half the time, I was feeling really sleepy. 8 cups of tea, 1 bottle of herbal tea, 2 litres of water later.. Not to mention the cup of Redoxon, and plenty of Vicks vapor sweets and inhaler, I feel more human except for a leaking nose, a heavy head and droopy eyes right now. It's been a while since I've last had a bad flu and today was 1 of those times. Rushing down to the pharmacy the minute it opened was memorable. Thank goodness that I'm working in town now. But it was a pity I had to forsake the ever so tempting Magnum Gold so as not to worsen things. :( Hoping to recover by tonite coz we're shorthanded for the rest of the week til mid Dec. Time to dig out previous medication from doctor and to head on to bed for some much needed rest..

Skinny PIzza

Jus came back from a great dinner session at Skinny Pizza with a close friend, M, whom I haven't met in a year. This time round, he brought his wife along but yet, we were still able to talk as freely as always. :) I had a very enjoyable time catching up on our lives. Dear M, thanks for the concern over all these years. Thanks for always caring and the sms-es that u will send me when I'm down, be it family matters or relationship affairs. U have been a wonderful friend all these years, showering me with your concern and offering your advice but never forcing it on me. I appreciate your company all this while and I know I always will coz u never cease to make me laugh everytime we meet. :) Thanks for everything!

Major Screw Up

I really think I might give myself a heart attack or get a nervous breakdown someday, at the rate that I screw up at work. The screw up this time involved USD 88 million! I swear my heart nearly skipped a beat when I realised what happened. My guardian angels up above must be really busy looking after me. Not sure why but I suddenly decided to stay a bit longer in the office today coz if I hadn't and this issue was only resolved tomorrow, I can't imagine the possible loss that might hit my trader's books. Even retrenching me will not be enough to pay for the damages. Mus also thank god that Kelvin was around to help me, or I'll be soooo dead. Issue was resolved thankfully by 5.57pm, ahead of the cut off time of 6pm or I'll still be dead. Phew! Sweat was definitely trickling down my back and I was sooo nervous I could barely stand or sit still. 2nd major screw up in 7 months of working there. This is bad! I need to focus and concentrate on my work under all circumsta

Water Under The Bridge

It's a brand new week and I'm back to the same old me! Not gonna dwell on things anymore. Life has to move on and the world doesn't stop moving coz I'm unhappy. Neither do I think my parents will wanna see me in this emotional, upset state of mind for too long. So, happiness is always the way to go. I jus wish that people will tell me things directly instead of using not so subtle, indirect methods by posting on FB and stuff. But honestly, whatever. I don't think I'm the only person in the wrong in this argument and I've apologised twice. Not like my friend apologised when he was sarcastic to me coz it's all jus a joke. So, in all aspects to the apology and whether he wanna continue this friendship, I'll say this.. Take it or leave it. Do whatever coz I'm not gonna dwell or think about this anymore. It's too childish and too ridiculous. We are adults and grown ups so we should act like 1 instead of starting word wars/sarcasm in any way possib

Emotional Period For Me

Hasn't been good for me recently but I think it's getting better, or so I hope.. I wish to forget but I know I can't coz there's no outlet for me to let it out (I don't like to tell my family unlike others who love talking to their family members and blindly following or agreeing with their advice.. I'll probably be rebutting them and I want some sort of privacy) so what better way than to blog. My friends can judge me or jus take it with a pinch of salt.. if u have my blog address means u know me well enough to know what kind of person I am. Bad Stuff 1) Huge argument with Eeyore. He hinted at some stuff and kicked up a huge fuss when everytime he does the same, I keep quiet. He went way beyond the limit and all I did was be a little furious and I was only 1/5 of what he did and he made it into a big issue. I've had enough and I was annoyed but yet, I controlled. Then, he made it worse by saying and hinting that I'm materialistic again. He didn't sa

Expectation and Disappointment

The whole of today, u told me to leave at 11pm for my buddy Alan's farewell. U said u will pick me up then. U told me that u were tired n u don't want to send any of my friends home when u picked me up. In the end, I took a cab home at 12 midnight by myself. At 12.30am, I still don't see u at home. So much for being tired.. And I cannot believe u actually thought I'm upset coz I had to pay my own cab fare. Never knew what u thought of me til that instant. How lowly and cheapskate u consider me to be that I can't pay my own cab fare. I've never needed a guy in my life, much less 1 to pay for things for me. I have been self sufficient all along. I earn my own income. I never cared about ur $. Don't think of me in such a materialistic way. It only makes me hate u. It's not the 1st time that promises are broken. It's not gonna be the last either. Every eve of public holiday, u say u're tired. U tell me u need to go meet ur friends for some clubbing a

Stef & Sid Wedding - 23 Oct 2010

It was a fun and enjoyable trip to be 1 of the bridesmaids at a close girlfriend's wedding! Sooo happy for both Stef and Sid! I know I kinda screwed up the speech that I wanted to say during the wedding with the shivering, etc. So here's the actual full version that I wanted to say. For my beloved Stef and Sid - Congrats once again! "Ladies and gentlemen, we have known Stef for almost 10 years now. From the 1st day we stepped into SIM and went for an ODAC camp together til today. From Sex and The City babes til today, we have formed the Spice Girls group jus now at the table. Eevon - Posh Spice, Anne - Baby Spice, Jean - Scary Spice, Joseph - Ginger Spice and Magz - Sporty Spice. Sad to say Stef, as u r now married, u r known as Aunty Spice. All along we thought that Stef will definitely not be the 1st to get married amongst us girls but by Murphy's Law, here we are today attending her wedding to Sid. The 1st time I met Sid was on Xmas Eve 2008 where all of us squeezed

Krabi, Phi Phi & Phuket - 08 to 17 Oct 2010

A very last minute but yet, enjoyable trip to the sunny beaches of Thailand! Sorry, I know I wrote a lot on this post but then, I don't wanna miss out on the details and I can read about the crazy stuff I did a few years down the road.. So if it's too long, I guess u guys better stop reading soon.. But then again, pics will not be posted on Facebook coz i don't wanna the curious ones from office to probe. Hehe. 08 Oct - Arrived at Krabi and we kicked off the trip with an approximate 10km walk til I couldn't walk anymore! It was a little crazy and tiring but yet, I actually enjoyed myself. Had dinner at the Krabi night market where everything only cost THB 30 for heaps of ingredients and tasted soooo local! Hardly any tourists there coz it was difficult to get back to where the resorts were unless u are willing to pay exorbitant fares. Managed to convince a motorbike taxi to send us back for a much cheaper rate. My 1st time squeezing 3 people on a bike! 09 Oct - Went kay

Mdm Kwa Geok Choo aka Mrs Lee Kuan Yew

Not sure why but felt the urge to blog about our late Mrs Lee Kuan Yew who passed away peacefully on 01 October 2010 at the age of 90. Been reading a lot of news articles. I do not know her personally but I've been lucky to have lunch with our current MM when he was still the PM of our country. I didn't get the chance to speak with him and I was only a little girl of about 12 then. Mr Lee Kuan Yew's younger bro happens to be my family doctor as well and has always treated with a lot of love and care. I am happy to have known them. Digression.. Better return back to the topic. Mrs Lee Kuan Yew aka Mdm Kwa Geok Choo - a very intelligent woman who later became a lawyer and was happily married to Mr Lee Kuan Yew for 61 long years! 61 years!!!! It's really an amazing length of time and I have nothing other than envy. She was the woman who stood behind the man who gained independence for our country. Without him, without her support, we would never have Singapore. We will alw

24 Sep 2010 - F1 Live!

Watched F1 LIVE for the 1st time on 24 Sept 2010. Though it's only the practice session, it was fantastic! Not to forget watching Daughtry perform Live!!! WOOHOO!!!! 2 weeks late and this finally came to me yesterday! :)

2 Years Together - 16 Sept 2010

As always, I made a card and bought a present. As for him.. So far all I've had is just a dinner, a very expensive dinner. I'll let the pics do the talking - I seriously love my new phone (Iphone 4). All pics were taken using it with absolutely no editing! Pics are in the order that they were served and per the menu. My pressie for him - Again, a Hugo Boss item.. It's a belt! Our Dinner Location - Jaan @ Swissotel! The view out from Swissotel - Guess what I was trying to focus at? The menu for the night! That's my champagne! Free starter - Pumpkin with Cheese (can't remember the name) Avocado with Caviar and Almonds Fois Gras shaped like a cake! Boudin Blanc - Shaped like a sausage! Marron - It's a baby crayfish! Lamb - I don't eat lamb, but this really doesn't taste like lamb at all! Seabass! Dessert - But I can't remember what this is! Not in menu! Dessert - Peach and Blackcurrent Cream Free Dessert - Vanilla ice cream coated with White Chocolate

September Already?

Jus realised that I haven't blogged this month and it's already mid month!! Haven't bought my own laptop yet, hence I'm still having to share. Oh well.. I had sooo much that I wanted to blog about last week but then, I can't remember anything now! Damn! Hmm.. Ok, here goes what I can remember. I had a very enjoyable week last week. Started with a wonderful dinner/drinks gathering with Lisa and Sylvia on Wed. I wasn't too happy that morning as we had a deal that was booked wrongly and cost us a loss of US$250,000. :( My head was on the chopping block as I helped the sales folks to amend some stuff related to the deal that wouldn't impact the economic details and hence, my name showed up on the deal. Thank God for explanation by mentor J and the salesperson and my name was cleared. So, at the dinner we chatted, caught up with one another's lives and gossiped! Hahaha. Soooo much fun! Enjoyable!! Then Thurs came. It was our company's Appreciation Day and


Was at the 53rd floor of Marina Bay Sands Hotel on Sunday. Junior suite - very gorgeous view and huge room! Went up to the Skypark for a swim and an hour worth of tan. Absolutely heavenly! Amazing design! It was fabulous! Pics are not yet uploaded. Will post them when I'm less tired. :) Went for a run jus now - 1st run in goodness knows how long. I've put on weight.. My whole family says so! :( So I decided to keep fit! Ran from my house to Bishan to Shunfu aka Marymount MRT and all the way home again. 1 big round though I'm not sure how long it is. Will find out later but the run feels good! My old injury acted up a little by aching when I was done with the run but I think it's ok now. Or so I hope! :p Side note: Tried a very delicious Lavender flavoured mooncake at Taka basement but didn't buy it. Regretting now!!! :_( I think.. I wanna go back to Taka to get the mooncake for myself!!!

Pretty Face

Disgusted that some girls get jobs by looking pretty, know how to put tonnes of makeup on their faces, know how to whine and act sweet and pitiful or cute but are not that fantastic with their work. She came for an interview. Main interviewer was a female. Main interviewer came out of the interview and the more senior guys started requesting to "interview" her as well. So the guys went in, saw her, found her pretty. After the whole thing, main interviewer asked for opinion. Guys obviously adore her to bits! Main interviewer commented "A girl need not know anything about her work, as long as she's pretty and knows how to doll up." Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK??? If everyone thinks like that, I'm sure the company will collapse sooner or later!!! And the more disgusting part is that after the interview, she came up to our floor almost every single day to suck up to the main interviewer and act sweet in front of the guys! *PUKES* ARGH!!! Can't stand people who s


ARGH!! Couldn't help it but lost my patience again!!! And this time, we bumped into someone from our office! And I was soooo pissed that I said something about her behind her back. Problem is, I might have said it a bit too loud (under the influence of alchohol) and now I'm seriously worried that she might have heard it!!! Damn it!!!!!!!!!!! Super duper pissed with myself!!! What's done cannot be undone. Can only tell myself to SHUT UP and once again, remind myself not to lose my patience in public especially near office area! Damn!!!!!


Can't believe it - I woke up late for work today!! Or rather, I didn't wake up til Jacko (my mentor) sms-ed me at 7.45am to check if I was stuck on the MRT. How embarrassing is that?! I woke up with a start, called him to say I was sorry and that I had jus woken up, would be at work shortly. :( Rushed and thankfully, there was a cab available! Reached office at 8.15am in the end - almost an hour late! Luckily my team mates were really nice and didn't make a big hoo-ha out of it. :) Was on the MRT on the way home jus now. Where I stood happened to be next to where a couple was sitting. Noticed that both their faces looked a bit black. As usual, I had my Ipod with me and my music was blasting. I secretly removed 1 side of my earphones and realised they were arguing/quarrelling about something. Felt bad to intrude and hence I stuck the earphone back into my ear. But it got me thinking after that episode on the MRT. How many times have Eeyore and I done that in public - being p

Sydney 13-21 Aug 2010

What can I say? It was an amazing trip!! I know I was bad to throw my tantrum on the trip a few times - he didn't help me but was helping my sis when we 1st went skiing, I was really too tired to even wanna talk to anyone. I can't help it! It was the time of the month and I was really tired out! He really tried his hardest to pacify me along the way and seriously, I haven't felt his love in a very long time til this trip! It's so nice to be loved again! :) Can't remember all the things we did or saw but here's the gist of it. 13 Aug - The moment we reached Sydney, we checked in to our hotel (Travelodge Wynard) and headed out for lunch with Ting, Gin, Yinta and Carly. Dim sum at Chinatown! :) They were really sweet to buy us lunch! Walked around town for some sight seeing, met up with Kat and the rest again for dinner! Back to hotel to zzz soon after as I was tired from the overnite flight. 14 Aug - Rented a car and drove to Hunter Valley. Tasted lots of wine, bo