Sick + Gram in Hospital = BAD

After popping pills, I'm still not fully recovered. In fact, it got worse in the afternoon today. Gosh.. What is wrong with me??

And I hate the fact that I'm sick at the wrong time. I had to postpone drinks sessions and what made it worse is that.. Gram was rushed to A&E this evening. Right when I stepped out of office and was at the MRT station all ready to go for drinks when Aunt Marg called. Gram had a huge patch of rash on her face that was all red and swollen. It was spreading rapidly and she had a fever as well.

Drinks plan had to be shoved aside as I rushed to the hospital. Sorry babes and guy! Waited for the ambulance to send Gram to hospital and finally saw how Gram was doing. I knew the patch was painful and hot. Poor Gram had to go thro all that... She was put on drip, given an injection of antibiotics for her fever and had a huge tube of blood taken from her to run tests to see what was causing the rash. She was screaming and shouting in pain the whole time. How my heart ached then..

Somehow, I know Gram will be fine coz I don't have the "not good" feeling. I can sense such things most of the time and there is no such feeling now. I've said many times that should anything happen to Gram, my world will come crushing down and it still will. Hope she will be ok soon. Glad to have supportive and wonderful colleagues even though they are all much higher ranked than me and I've only been working with them for 6 months.

Can only hope that this stupid flu will go away so that I can visit Gram in the hospital tomorrow. Glad that I'm given permission to start later and end work earlier tomorrow. I need the rest to recover faster and the care & understanding showered on me by them have been a huge morale booster. I must get well soon!


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