2010 Review

It's nearing the end of the year again and honestly, this year has flown by so quickly that I can bearly recall what happened throughout the year. I know it's only the 23rd of December but I've got dinner plans everyday from 25th onwards til the end of the year, hence the early review of this year. My bet is that I'll write about some of the other stuff that will happen next week after the review. :)

Anyway, so here's my brief review from what my limited memory. 1st 4 months of the year were pure torture to me. Biased managers and superiors meant I did not get the promotion that I well deserve. Irritating manager also meant that I was extremely unhappy at work. Waiting for my interview anxiously kept me going strong and gave me the will to get thro the most unhappy months of the year.

No words can ever describe the joy when I was told to go for the 2nd interview and when HR contacted me to sign the contract. Those were the most incredible and memorable moments of the year! And I know I will never ever look back and regret the decision of moving out of the horrible department and getting to where I am coz I worked hard to get here and I'm extremely happy where I am right now. =)

The months that follow from June onwards have been pure bliss and joy. I've never felt such an emotion in a long time. I became who I was once again - the happy go lucky, ever smiling and cheerful person whom I once knew but lost for 3 years. It all came back to me and my temper and emotions are more under control.

Friends came and went. Quarrels, arguments and unhappiness between friends, between Eeyore over the months. I put that all behind me and continue my life stronger and better than before. I will not let my unhappiness get me down. Not when my parents passed away, and definitely not over some arguments with friends or even bf. I have a lot more to look forward to in my life than that.

I have always been and will always be, a person who is happy with the simplest things in life. Sometimes, the simplest of words or actions, and not the materialistic things, can put a smile on my face for the longest time. And I have been smiling a lot more so why let unhappiness take the cheer in my heart away from me?

And of coz, a most memorable wedding of 2 great friends - Sid & Stef! Those few days living with the babes, hanging out together 24/7 were absolutely amazing!!! The crazy bunch of us.. All crying at the wedding will always always be imprinted in my heart and memory coz we were all touched and happy that they are married! :))))))

Not forgetting to mention meeting up with M and finally, his wife as well! Also knowing that Kelv gor will be joining me as a friend cum colleague. Enjoying myself at the year end party was memorable too! All the happy moments of my year! But another not too happy part is that I keep falling sick this year. Terrible!!! Need to work on getting my health back.

This year has definitely been another 1 with ups and downs. But I'm jus thankful that the upside of my life has more than outweighed the downside of my life. I am also extremely blessed with fantastic supportive friends who have been with me throughout my ups and downs. I am more than looking forward to 2011 coz I know I'll work harder than ever to achieve my dream. With the wonderful support from my team and from Mr Z who is more than willing to teach and help me, I sure hope I succeed!! May 2011 be a good year ahead!

Sidenote from my review of the year: I received my 1st ever Xmas tree from Nathan - 1 of my traders. That was extra sweet of him coz I merely mentioned that I've never had a Xmas tree in my life ever before as he was going to buy 1 for his daughter. And I left office early coz I had a fever and next day when I reached, the little Xmas tree was sitting on my desk. :D Very happy and very grateful!!!

Sidenote 2: Finally met KK and Xiao Ming for drinks and dinner. It's been a while since we last met and I'm looking foward to my 1 on 1 dinner with KK next week. He's 1 buddy who encouraged to leave my previous department and I know he's someone I can count on if I ever get into any trouble. :>


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