My Fave Month - December!

December is and will always be my favourite month of the year coz it's quiet, there's Xmas and there's my bday! Hehe. I love Decembers!

But then, this December, people have managed to piss me off at work a couple of times. 1st was a really rude HK bitch who kept hanging up on me when I wasn't even looking for her and I called the direct line of the guy I was looking for. Stupid dumbass woman!

2nd time was today. Some issues at work. A simple problem became so tedious and complicated all coz my idiotic and egoistic ex-manager refuse to listen to my dealer and I and insisting on his way. I thought about it for 3 hours and still felt it was wrong. Went to my dealer again and she went to her mentor for her help. Proved that we were correct and dumb ex-manager was wrong.

My dealer's mentor called up my ex-manager and told him the correct procedure n that we were initially correct to begin with. Ex-manager kept trying to rebutt but the mentor refused to even let him utter a word! Hahaha. I was giggling while listening to the whole conversation on the phone. Serves him right! Wasting everyone's time and brain cells jus coz he thinks he's smart.

I've been doing this for 3.5 years now and he's only been doing it for a few months! Don't bloody doubt my capabilities jus coz u're not smart! POOO!!! Even Lisa who has only been in the job for 6 months knew he was wrong, yet that smart alec couldn't see what everyone could. Made Lisa do so much extra work. Annoying!!

Gotta let it out or I'll go mad. Haha. Feels much better now. :p Once again, I feel that my wisest move is to get out of my previous department with such lousy supervisors to here where I'm always happy and having fun. Really must do my best to get Lisa out from that department as well!

Ohhhh.. Good news!! Kelv gor is joining where I work in Jan but in Millenia Tower! WOOOTT!! As gor put it, I'll have another friend at the same work area and not just another colleague! Yay yay yay!!!! Happy!!!


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