Krabi, Phi Phi & Phuket - 08 to 17 Oct 2010

A very last minute but yet, enjoyable trip to the sunny beaches of Thailand! Sorry, I know I wrote a lot on this post but then, I don't wanna miss out on the details and I can read about the crazy stuff I did a few years down the road.. So if it's too long, I guess u guys better stop reading soon.. But then again, pics will not be posted on Facebook coz i don't wanna the curious ones from office to probe. Hehe.

08 Oct - Arrived at Krabi and we kicked off the trip with an approximate 10km walk til I couldn't walk anymore! It was a little crazy and tiring but yet, I actually enjoyed myself. Had dinner at the Krabi night market where everything only cost THB 30 for heaps of ingredients and tasted soooo local! Hardly any tourists there coz it was difficult to get back to where the resorts were unless u are willing to pay exorbitant fares. Managed to convince a motorbike taxi to send us back for a much cheaper rate. My 1st time squeezing 3 people on a bike!

09 Oct - Went kayaking early in the morning and got to know 2 Singaporeans and 2 French guys. :) was fun til I got bitten at least 20 times by mozzies at a cave! Nearly scratched and tore my skin apart from the itch! Went to a small little island called Railay in the afternoon. 1st time we took a longtail boat. Was splashed by sea water the entire journey there. Kinda exciting if u ask me. :p we climbed up to the top of a very steep cliff to see the lagoon and viewpoint. It was a scary climb coz we were in slippers and it was kinda like rock climbing but with real rocks, trees and it's a cliff. Not to mention, muddy! There was a rope available at certain parts of the climb but not the entire climb. Takes about 30 minutes and another 30 minutes down though I mus say coming down is definitely more dangerous than going up. But the breathtaking view up there was well worth it! And I climbed in my bikini top (not wanting to dirty my white top with the mud), shorts and flip flops. Crazy but hell fun! Won't mind doing it again and at least, it puts my rock climbing skills in action!

10 Oct - Ferry to Phi Phi island~! 2 hour ferry ride and lots of people were sea sick along the way. The kid behind me kept puking and his mum kept opening the windows to let the air out. :( Felt bad for the kid but he did make me wanna puke too. Thank goodness I was alright and have no history of any form of motion sickness. The moment we reached Phi Phi, the boat owners tried to fleece us off by wanting us to pay THB 1,200 to take a longtail boat to our resort which was 30 mins away from the main stretch. Eeyore had a huge argument with 1 of the leaders of the boat owners and no boat owners were willing to take us to our resort after that coz they took his lead. We called the resort a lot of times and finally got thro! In the end, we paid only THB 200 for our boat ride to our resort! Yeah! Had my fave - Thai fried rice for dinner that nite. Somehow, the fried rice in Thailand is soooo delicious that I can't find the same taste back in SG. :( I miss the fried rice already though I ate it at least 4-5 times! Bad thing about our resort was that it uses filtered sea water as tap water. My skin got a horrible outbreak of rash after 2 days of staying there that it really spoilt my mood.

11 Oct - Went on my 1st snorkelling trip! Took a longtail boat to Maya Bay where The Beach was filmed. 1st time snorkelling with no proper instructions, I was cursing and swearing the whole time. Thank goodness Eeyore forced me to wear the life jacket or I am sure I would have drowned. Huge waves and I was drinking in sea water the whole time coz the mask was slightly faulty. Damn it! Was soooo tired by the time that I reached the beach, I didn't enjoy it at all. Spent the day well though by sightseeing a little and no more snorkelling for me that day. Back at the resort area in the afternoon and I was dying for a massage to soothe my painfully aching muscles. While massaging by the beach, it started to pour! The blinds did nothing to block the rain oout as the wind was too strong. So the massage was a mixture of oil and rain water on my body. Haha, another experience!

12 Oct - Decided to have a quiet day lazing on the beach and suntanning. Saw a beautiful sunset from another hotel and this shot is taken on my phone!

13 Oct - Eeyore wanted to experience being on a speedboat so we booked 1 with the next door resort (our own resort was seriously sucky) and went to Bamboo island for snorkelling again! But this time round, it was a lot more enjoyable as the hotel guide showed us how to do it and we practiced in the swimming pool b4 leaving for the island. The guide was swimming with us throughout the whole snorkelling experience and the sea was a lot less rough than the previous time, I actually did enjoy myself! And I didn't even drink any sea water this time! Saw lots of beautiful coral reefs and multi coloured fishes swimming around me! Didn't have a waterproof camera with me hence was unable to take pictures of the gorgeous sights! :( sky started to turn dark when we were supposed to go to Mosquito island hence that was cancelled. :_( Booked a upclass massage with the next door resort (I love that resort.. Zeavola) and enjoyed my 2 hours of body wrap and massage that made me feel sooo relaxed!

14 Oct - Ferry time again! This time to Phuket! More people vomitted on this ferry and we couldn't stand the stench nor the sounds anymore so we stood outside at the deck for about an hour of the 2 hour journey. Actually, I prefer being on the deck - enjoying the sea wind (too strong to be called a breeze), looking at the serenity of the sea and sky and listening to the songs on my Iphone. Makes u feel sooo peaceful and happy. Well, at least for me. Checked in to a beautiful hotel called Avista and I was blown away. 1st thought in my mind - long hot shower in the bath tub for a nice clean shower finally! And I finally had Wifi to surf net! Woohoo! But actually, we paid for the Club Room hence it was sooo nice! Haha. Nothing is free in this world but seriously, the hotel was really nice to begin with. A very welcoming change from the previous 2 hotels we stayed in.

15 Oct - Down to Kata Beach in the morning and we were 2 unhappy souls there. I insisted on doing a henna as per always when on trip but he didn't like the idea coz he thinks it will look awful when I attend Stef & Sid's wedding the next weekend. :( didn't talk for hours where he lazed on the beach and I was annoyed so I read my book. Finally decided to talk again and we had lunch, followed by a 4 hour walk up and down roads where only cars drove on and not people like us walking to 1st look for the viewpoint but was toooo far and inconvenient to walk to. Then it was to look for a massage place that was supposedly at Kata but we couldn't find it. Walked all the way with no rest or stopping time. I really dunno where I found so much energy and strength to walk that much and that far! Headed back to hotel and we took the free shuttle to go to Patong instead. Walked around for about 2 hours (yes, walked again!) b4 heading back to Kata and we both decided that we preferred Kata wayyyyy better than Phuket!

16 Oct - We decided to rent a motorbike to travel around and it was Eeyore's 1st time riding a bike with someone behind him. Was a little rocky at 1st but by the end of the day, we were doing well! Haha. Rode around Kata, went to Karon then headed to Patong to finally get to the massage place that we were looking for the 1st day we reached Phuket. Spent 2 hours there and headed back to hotel for a quiet dinner at the restaurant downstairs before returning to the room to pack up for our flight home the next day.

17 Oct - Flight home to SG.

Overall, this was the most different trip from all my beach holidays! I have really never walked this much on beach holidays and I tried a lot of new activities on this trip and had lotsa new experiences. Very interesting trip and I came back, tanned and healthy! Love my skin colour now though most people think it's too tanned. Oh well, as long as I had fun and I like it, that is what matters!


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