
Can't believe it - I woke up late for work today!! Or rather, I didn't wake up til Jacko (my mentor) sms-ed me at 7.45am to check if I was stuck on the MRT. How embarrassing is that?! I woke up with a start, called him to say I was sorry and that I had jus woken up, would be at work shortly. :( Rushed and thankfully, there was a cab available! Reached office at 8.15am in the end - almost an hour late! Luckily my team mates were really nice and didn't make a big hoo-ha out of it. :)

Was on the MRT on the way home jus now. Where I stood happened to be next to where a couple was sitting. Noticed that both their faces looked a bit black. As usual, I had my Ipod with me and my music was blasting. I secretly removed 1 side of my earphones and realised they were arguing/quarrelling about something. Felt bad to intrude and hence I stuck the earphone back into my ear.

But it got me thinking after that episode on the MRT. How many times have Eeyore and I done that in public - being pissed with each other and showing black faces? Too many times to even be counted, too many times for me to wanna remember or think about it now. And I realised how ugly it must have seemed to everyone. Now that I look back and reflect, it must have been awful.

So now I know, never ever to do that in public. It's really not a good sight to others, neither is it good for us. Learning to let go bit by bit - be more patient, less temperamental. Get used to his sloppiness and not nag as much. Learn to do things without his gratitude coz most times it means nothing to him. :) Gotta learn to be a lot more tolerant.

I'm working hard on it, be it with him or with family and friends. Let's hope I get to the stage where I can be what I really wanna be. ^.^


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