Sydney 13-21 Aug 2010

What can I say? It was an amazing trip!! I know I was bad to throw my tantrum on the trip a few times - he didn't help me but was helping my sis when we 1st went skiing, I was really too tired to even wanna talk to anyone. I can't help it! It was the time of the month and I was really tired out! He really tried his hardest to pacify me along the way and seriously, I haven't felt his love in a very long time til this trip! It's so nice to be loved again! :)

Can't remember all the things we did or saw but here's the gist of it.

13 Aug - The moment we reached Sydney, we checked in to our hotel (Travelodge Wynard) and headed out for lunch with Ting, Gin, Yinta and Carly. Dim sum at Chinatown! :) They were really sweet to buy us lunch! Walked around town for some sight seeing, met up with Kat and the rest again for dinner! Back to hotel to zzz soon after as I was tired from the overnite flight.

14 Aug - Rented a car and drove to Hunter Valley. Tasted lots of wine, bought 7 bottles of wine as well! Very nice day out~! :)

15 Aug - Went out with Kat and her bf, Kingston to Opera House, Sydney bridge, etc. Sightseeing for the morning til about 2pm. Then it was on to outlet shopping! As we didn't have much time to shop, all I managed to grab was a lingerie dress. Haha. Rushed back to Opera House to watch a performance by Raymond Crowe. 1st play I've ever watched in Sydney Opera House!!! :p Amazing experience and I enjoyed it lots! Dinner with Kat at an Italian restaurant and back to zzz.

16 Aug - Started our drive to Perisher Mountains for skiing!! But the drive was not smooth. Eeyore took his old car back from his friend to drive up to Perisher, but little did we know that the radiator was spoilt. Car became overheated and smoke was coming out thro the bonnet. Scary! Pulled the car over, topped it up with water and drove to the nearest town for checking. Had to leave the car there to fix the radiator and rent another car to drive up to the mountain. By the time we reached Perisher, we had wasted a day of our snow pass and weren't in time to learn how to ski. :( The only best part was, it was snowing when we reached!!! 1st time I ever ever saw snow! Beautiful!!

17 Aug - Ski lesson in progress! The ski instructor was ok but a little racist. Didn't focus on us Asians and simply went really fast with the Westerners. Sigh.. Sis kept falling down and injured herself everywhere but luckily, nothing serious. I had fun though and didn't fall at all. Woohoo!!

18 Aug - Sis decided to take 1st timer's lesson again. I could have gone for Level 2 lessons, that is to go on the ski lifts and gone up the higher and steeper slopes to ski more professionally but was worried about sis hence I re-took 1st timer's lesson as well. It's a waste of $ to have bought ski lifts passes but not go on it. :( No choice I guess. Sis did well and didn't fall!! The instructor this time, Matt Tomm, was really good and patient! I managed to climb up slope on my own for once! Woohoo!!!

19 Aug - Sad to leave Perisher but we had to.. Stopped by Canberra and visited the Parliament House. Nice!! Reached back Sydney, had dinner at Hurricane's and that was where I was soooo tired that I didn't know my face turned black. Oopss.. :(

20 Aug - Breakfast at Pancakes at the rocks. Very yummy!! :p Outlet shopping at DFO and that took us the whole day!! Went mad shopping til the shops closed at 6pm! But I was totally knocked out coz time of the month came in the morning and seriously jus drained me out. Dinner at Harry's de Wheels and back to hotel to pack and zzz. But it was a waste coz I couldn't meet up with the rest of the guys who went drinking with Eeyore. :(((((

21 Aug - Last day in Sydney. :_( Had breakfast at Queen Victoria Building. Back to hotel to check out. Kat picked us up and we went to Fish Market for lunch with Ting, Yinta, Carly and Kingston. We ate sooo much oysters and sashimi!!! Soooo fresh and yummy!!! I don't wanna come back!!!! The girls were sooo sweet to send us off to airport! I miss them loads! And time for us to come back to hot, sunny Singapore and no longer the cool and nice Sydney winter. :(

It was a fantastic trip, all in all. A much needed break from work and of coz, a very good break for my relationship. We're happy once again and I hope this time, things will work out better now. We shall see.. :) More photos to be posted either on Facebook or in a photo album. Will update again on that. Lastly, my favourite photo of the whole trip - I had to coerce him into taking this pic though.. Why do most guys I like hate taking pics??? ARGH!


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