Major Screw Up

I really think I might give myself a heart attack or get a nervous breakdown someday, at the rate that I screw up at work. The screw up this time involved USD 88 million! I swear my heart nearly skipped a beat when I realised what happened. My guardian angels up above must be really busy looking after me.

Not sure why but I suddenly decided to stay a bit longer in the office today coz if I hadn't and this issue was only resolved tomorrow, I can't imagine the possible loss that might hit my trader's books. Even retrenching me will not be enough to pay for the damages. Mus also thank god that Kelvin was around to help me, or I'll be soooo dead. Issue was resolved thankfully by 5.57pm, ahead of the cut off time of 6pm or I'll still be dead. Phew! Sweat was definitely trickling down my back and I was sooo nervous I could barely stand or sit still.

2nd major screw up in 7 months of working there. This is bad! I need to focus and concentrate on my work under all circumstances. This issue happened coz I was complacent and I was unhappy that day as well. Can't let anything affect my work from now on coz the mistake is too costly and I dread to think of what might have happened if the issue wasn't spotted in time. My head would probably be rolling on the floor.. I shudder to think of the consequences.

I am very relieved to say that this issue now only cost a loss of USD 1,000 due to instant rectification from Kelvin and definitely, a very understanding Chris coz it will be a huge loss in his books and no matter how sweet and nice he is to me, I'm sure he'll be extremely pissed with the loss coz it will definitely affect bonus! Phew phew phew!! Thanking my lucky stars and everyone who helped! I owe Kelvin a huge one! :p Caution and opening my eyes wide are definitely the way to go now.

On a brighter note, I watched Harry Potter last nite after work. :) It was alright, but a little draggy. Waiting for the final part of the show to be out and I'll probably need to do an entire Harry Potter marathon coz I can't remember the storyline of the shows already! Releasing 1 Harry Potter movie a year is too long for me to remember what I've watched! Hahaha.

On a crazy note, I went to sing karaoke on my own for 3 hours! Yup, I was in a room, all by myself, belting out songs after songs after songs. It's kinda like my own mini concert and amazing to say, I actually enjoyed singing by myself for 3 consecutive hours! I could repeat the songs that I've sung, or simply sing songs that are sung by male singers. I need not worry about being in tune, and be happily out of pitch for all I care coz no one is around to hear it! Hahahaha! U might think I'm crazy but most importantly is I had fun! :p

On a bad note, the little smoking episode has caused me a minor rash outbreak again. Not helped by the fact that I have recently become a live target for mosquitos to fleece on fresh blood. I have at least 10 mosquito bites on me and still counting. I get at least 1 or 2 new bites a day! It's insane! The mozzie bites are way more itchy than my rash which is darn irritating. I had to buy Mopiko during lunch time to apply in office coz it was sooo itchy. I have this nagging feeling I was bitten in office. Hmmm...

On reflection, I realised that the year is coming to an end and I have yet to fulfil my 2nd resolution for the year - to get my driving licence! OMG! I have been procrastinating for the longest time! I really should get my ass moving and do what I need to do.


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