September Already?

Jus realised that I haven't blogged this month and it's already mid month!! Haven't bought my own laptop yet, hence I'm still having to share. Oh well..

I had sooo much that I wanted to blog about last week but then, I can't remember anything now! Damn!

Hmm.. Ok, here goes what I can remember. I had a very enjoyable week last week.

Started with a wonderful dinner/drinks gathering with Lisa and Sylvia on Wed. I wasn't too happy that morning as we had a deal that was booked wrongly and cost us a loss of US$250,000. :( My head was on the chopping block as I helped the sales folks to amend some stuff related to the deal that wouldn't impact the economic details and hence, my name showed up on the deal. Thank God for explanation by mentor J and the salesperson and my name was cleared.

So, at the dinner we chatted, caught up with one another's lives and gossiped! Hahaha. Soooo much fun! Enjoyable!!

Then Thurs came. It was our company's Appreciation Day and our bosses had to dress up as waiters and serve us drinks! All we had to do was sit at our desks, the 4 big shots on the floor had to pour out the drinks (red/white wine, champagne & beer) and the bosses had to serve, with music blasting throughout the whole floor!! Drink and drink and drink at 4.30pm in office! WOOHOOO!!!! Best day ever!!!

Can't remember what else happened but I'm super happy!!

This week has been ok so far. Kinda tired due to lack of sleep. :( Still wondering if I should go back to KL with Eeyore but I'm really very tired and I don't think I wanna entertain anyone. But.. I do owe his little bro a 21st year old bday pressie. Hmmmm..

Anyway, 4 more hours to our anniversary~! 2 years have gone by.. Time flies! I'm too tired to feel excited at the moment. Hahaha. I think this post doesn't even make sense.. Gosh...


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