Supportive Colleagues Rock!

In the devil may care attitude these days. Give no shit to what others think nor really wanna care either.

The office year end party has come and gone (09 dec). Woke up at 5am jus to doll up and prepare for the party. I'm real glad that I went instead of the occasional "I don't feel like going" thoughts that kept coming to my mind. Had tonnes of fun, drinks and laughter. Stuck with my team the whole time and they actually told me a lot of things. :) Even the opinion of my makeup and the whole outfit, esp the knee length boots effect on the whole trading floor - guys & gals. Hahaha.

My mentor said I drank like a goldfish that nite. Probably smoked like a chimney too. Danced my ass off. The rubber sole on my left foot came off while I was running around Hard Rock playing the featured game. Hopefully my boots can still be repaired! I love that pair of boots!

Before the party started, I had a chat with 1 of my trader. Over drinks and some ciggies, he told me about front office life and how I should make my way into becoming a trader. He even said that I can always sit with him or my mentor if I'm really keen to learn how to trade. My heart skipped a beat when I heard that! I sooooo wanna learn trading and earn big bucks. The next morning back in office, I told my trader that I'll start sitting with him soon. And he was extremely willing to accept that. COOL!

Had coffee with Mr Z on Friday afternoon as well and I told him about my decision to learn about trading as he had also encouraged me previously. He was very supportive about it and even volunteered to provide me with more background knowledge (notes and all) before I start learning. Really touched to have such supportive people around me who are willing to impart their knowledge to me!

2010 has been an awesome year for me despite some downs along the way with arguments, broken friendships, and whatever other shit that happened to me. Career wise - I must say that I'm blessed and thankful. At least there's 1 aspect of my life that's moving great and in the correct direction. Makes everything else seem small but better, if you know what I mean.

This song is still stuck in my head after the party on Thurs - I Hate Myself For Loving You.

Work hard and party hard people! Miss the drinking/clubbing days of my life but I'm glad it's all coming back to me now. Time to relive some of the good old days! Woohoo!!!


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