Mdm Kwa Geok Choo aka Mrs Lee Kuan Yew

Not sure why but felt the urge to blog about our late Mrs Lee Kuan Yew who passed away peacefully on 01 October 2010 at the age of 90.

Been reading a lot of news articles. I do not know her personally but I've been lucky to have lunch with our current MM when he was still the PM of our country. I didn't get the chance to speak with him and I was only a little girl of about 12 then. Mr Lee Kuan Yew's younger bro happens to be my family doctor as well and has always treated with a lot of love and care. I am happy to have known them. Digression.. Better return back to the topic.

Mrs Lee Kuan Yew aka Mdm Kwa Geok Choo - a very intelligent woman who later became a lawyer and was happily married to Mr Lee Kuan Yew for 61 long years! 61 years!!!! It's really an amazing length of time and I have nothing other than envy. She was the woman who stood behind the man who gained independence for our country. Without him, without her support, we would never have Singapore. We will always be part of freaking Malaysia, and I'm thankful for them to give us this wonderful country.

Which is why I always get into a heated argument with Eeyore regarding Malaysia and Singapore. I know a lot of people dislike Mr Lee or hate the way he does things - tyranny, etc etc. But I don't think he did any wrong. Such as making youngsters learn dual languages - what's wrong with that?? At least we get to learn 2 languages and are better equipped for the future. That's jus 1 example anyway. Digression again.. Damn.. Back to the topic.

Mrs Lee was loving to her husband and her family. She assisted Mr Lee quietly behind him, never stealing his limelight despite her intelligence. Her love for Mr Lee was reciprocated and despite her suffering from stroke and being bedridden, their love for each other has never died. He will read her news articles, poems, etc every nite by her side. I am touched by their story and I wonder how Mr Lee is going to cope and live with his soul mate of 61 years now. I dread thinking about that and I haven't dared to view any videos regarding them ever since she passed away coz I know I'll definitely cry.

I was really annoyed and pissed when someone wrote on the obituary forum to congratulate Mr Lee on the demise of his wife. I mean, what the fuck seriously. No matter how much u hate another person, when someone else is dead, jus leave the dead alone. Fucking bastard that guy is. I was really damn angry when I read what that asshole wrote. I cursed and I sweared. And honestly, I wish that the guy will die a horrible death. I spit on him, I wish the worst for him. Karma will come back to him coz what goes around comes around. Fucking bastard.

Wish I could have the chance to pay tribute to Mrs Lee but.. Due to work commitments and the fact that Istana is only open from 10am to 5pm yesterday and today for the public to pay our respects, I can only pay my respects to her in my heart. May she rest in peace and watch over us, our country and especially Mr Lee. I know he'll be the one who will miss her the most. May they be together again in their next life and be forever loving.


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